Pursuing Justice, Power and Property for Every Person.
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[“M]ake the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation and without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone.” — R. Buckminster Fuller
”People and Things” explains why it’s important for each of us to own productive capital.
For more information visit https://www.cesj.org/peopleandthings.
Welcome to the on-line library and learning center of the Center for Economic and Social Justice. CESJ is a non-profit educational organization, think tank and social action catalyst founded in 1984. We are dedicated to a free enterprise approach based on economic and social justice, which promotes the dignity and empowerment of every person through equal access to capital ownership. If you share our Core Values, Code of Ethics, Mission and Vision, we invite you to become a member of CESJ.
To transcend the power- and ownership-concentrating systems of both capitalism and socialism, we teach and apply a new socio-economic paradigm for designing the future. This paradigm, which we call the “Just Third Way,” synthesizes the personalist concepts of Louis Kelso (binary economics and, with Mortimer Adler, the Kelso-Adler principles of economic justice); Fr. William Ferree (the “act of social justice“); Buckminster Fuller (world design science); and Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. (peaceful people power). We call our plan for universal citizen access to capital ownership, the Economic Democracy Act. Read more>>
- Resources on the Economic Democracy Act
- Statement by Walter Reuther, UAW President, JEC Committee Hearings 1967
- UNIVERSALIZING CAPITAL OWNERSHIP: How Article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Can Renew the Post-Pandemic Economy
- Graphic Overview: Financing Green Growth with Capital Ownership Opportunities for Every Citizen
- Projected Citizen Wealth Accumulations Under the Economic Democracy Act
We hope that what you find here will inspire you to learn more, share with others, and become an active member organizing with others to put good ideas into action.
For a matrix comparing the three systems of Capitalism, Socialism/Communism, and the Just Third Way, click below for the PDF to download or read online.
We have FREE E-Books detailing and exploring the topics of economic and social justice. Download these informative PDF E-Books or read them online by clicking below.
CESJ’s philosophy, concepts and applications derive from the paradigm we call the “Just Third Way.” This global just free market paradigm of political economy transcends the power- and ownership-concentrating systems of traditional capitalism and traditional socialism.
Many of the problems in today’s world can be traced to power and ownership-concentrating economic systems and their methods of financing new growth. The Capital Homestead Act is a national economic agenda of monetary, tax, inheritance and expanded ownership reforms. Learn more about how we can fix these problems.
As CESJ’s co-founder Fr. William Ferree wrote in his pamphlet “Introduction to Social Justice”: Social Justice requires each of us to “care for the Common Good” by organizing with others to ensure that every person has equal access and the means to participate in order to develop to his or her fullest human potential.
As CESJ’s co-founder Fr. William Ferree wrote in his pamphlet “Introduction to Social Justice”: Social Justice requires each of us to “care for the Common Good” to ensure that every person has equal access and the means to participate in order to develop to his or her fullest human potential.
Many of the problems in today’s world can be traced to power and ownership-concentrating economic systems and their methods of financing new growth. The Capital Homestead Act is a national economic agenda of monetary, tax, inheritance and expanded ownership reforms. Learn more about how we can fix these problems.