National and Regional Economic Policies
Life-enhancing initiatives at the personal, family, enterprise or community level — no matter how well-intentioned — can easily be suppressed or nullified by a hostile or unjust external environment at the national or global level.
Moving from the microeconomic to the macro-economic level, CESJ has developed strategies for reshaping basic social institutions, such as tax and monetary systems, which have become barriers to human development.
CESJ’s Capital Homestead Act reforms are based on four interdependent pillars of economic justice:
- Restoration of private property in the means of production
- Restoration of free and open markets for determining just prices, just wages and just profits
- Limited economic power of government
- Expanded capital ownership
Social technologies and laws designed to advance the four-pillar approach would encourage the broad diffusion of future capital ownership opportunities — the missing link in all other strategies for transforming the economies of the world. Economic and political power would begin to be decentralized into the hands of each member of society.