Who We Are
Established in 1984, the Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ) is a non-profit 501(c)(3), all-volunteer educational center, grassroots think-tank and social action catalyst. CESJ’s mission is to advance liberty and justice for every person through equal opportunity and access to the means to become a capital owner.
CESJ members are part of a growing global network of citizen activists, servant leaders and social entrepreneurs in business, labor, government, religion, and academia. While we come from different backgrounds, countries and faiths, we share a vision of human freedom and empowerment based on universal moral principles. Membership in CESJ is open to all who share our Core Values and Code of Ethics.
Building upon the ideals of the American Revolution — a “New World” revolution to spread political democracy globally — CESJ focuses on extending economic power to every citizen of the world. CESJ is a founding member of the emerging Global Justice Movement, and has helped launch Just Third Way websites in Canada and in Australia.
CESJ has developed a commonsense, comprehensive program of monetary, tax and inheritance reforms called “Capital Homesteading” to liberate every person economically through universal access to significant, direct capital ownership, without redistribution of existing wealth or taxpayer subsidies. To bring together organizations and citizen-activists committed to just, systemic change, to promote the Capital Homestead agenda as national policy, CESJ spearheaded the Coalition for Capital Homesteading.
CESJ believes that many of the problems in the world stem from bad ideas, and that academia, as the main institution for disseminating ideas that affect policy and law, is a major source of bad ideas. To inject a clear understanding of justice and its application within all fields of human understanding, CESJ has launched Justice University® as a model global, interactive classroom, and is exploring partnerships with other educational institutions and universities throughout the world.
Together our Just Third Way network is working to build a more free and just global system that enhances the dignity, sovereignty and empowerment of every person — and a world where each person is free to develop his or her fullest human potential, to live in peace with other sovereign persons, and to be a good steward of nature.
For information on CESJ’s History and Accomplishments, click here >>