is both simple and universal,
perfect yet imperfectly attained,
one like the circle,
like the Wellspring of creation,
and of values universal and absolute.
Like the apex of the triangle,
Justice is the high ground
that transcends conflict; ensouled by Charity
resolves thesis and antithesis,
brings forth synthesis
and ascends to new thesis.
Social Justice,
the right ordering of institutions and laws,
is the soil from which flowers
the good community
uniting to sanctify the dignity of each person
whose earthly sovereignty
the eternal Sovereign has bestowed.
Economic Justice,
in the input and the out-take
and the balancing of both,
affirms each child, woman, man’s
vested right to own the means
to feed the body and free the mind,
to reach beyond one’s self,
to others, to creation, to God.
Like the circle and triangle, still-incomplete,
so too is our knowing, our grasp,
and humanity’s task
to secure Justice for every person.
Forever we are all enjoined:
“Justice, Justice, thou shalt pursue.”
© 1985, 2015 Dawn Kurland Brohawn