Economic Personalism: Property, Power and Justice for Every Person
Michael D. Greaney and Dawn K. Brohawn. Justice University Press, 2020
2nd printing (2024). Contains imprimatur and nihil obstat.
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“On September 30, 2020, Pope Francis called for a new economic model to help rebuild the world after the coronavirus pandemic. CESJ has long awaited such a call to action, and has a well-conceived and well-prepared response. Francis said that the small virus “laid bare the great inequality that reigns in the world: inequality of opportunity, inequality of goods, inequality of access to health care, inequality of technology, education: millions of children who cannot go to school, and so the list goes on.” The Pope goes on to say that, “These injustices … are the work of man, they come from a model of growth detached from the deepest values….” In their book, ECONOMIC PERSONALISM: Power, Property and Justice for Every Person, the authors provide a guide for Pope Francis, and other world leaders, above and beyond Capitalism and Socialism. This ‘just third way’ of Economic Personalism has the potential, through sound principles, to bring about a new era of justice, freedom, prosperity, and peace for all people throughout the world.”
— Deacon Joseph B. Gorini
CESJ Counselor, and former Chairman & CEO of Evangelization Enterprises
“This short but monumental work traces the historical development of the search for truth and justice through natural law as a set of principles originating in rational thought and further applied through the individual and social virtues taught by all the world religions. This book focuses on the sacredness of the individual person as a primary principle and paradigm of thought, especially as expressed through the inalienable human right to personal ownership of productive property. This, in turn, provides the basis of social justice.”
— Dr. Robert Crane, Author, Global Strategist and
Director, Center for the Study of Islamic Thought and Muslim Societies

Representatives of the Presidential Task Force on Project Economic Justice and Polish Solidarity meet with Pope John Paul II (February 1987).
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Justice University Press is an imprint of the Center for Economic and Social Justice.