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Transforming good ideas into practice, CESJ offers a variety of programs (some now underway and others to commence when resources become available) for scholars and policymakers, business executives, labor leaders, workers and bankers, including:

  1. Education: Seminars on the Capital Homestead Act (national and regional expanded ownership policies and strategies). Interfaith conferences on Economic and Social Justice. Seminars on Money, Credit and Ownership. Workshops on techniques for expanding capital ownership.
  2. Research: Developing econometric models based on expanded ownership theory. Commissioning studies by scholars and internships for students.
  3. Institutional Design Science: Refining management theory (Justice-Based ManagementSM) as a component of social morality. Designing tax and monetary systems for accelerating capital formation and promoting free enterprise linked to expanded capital ownership. Developing models of citizen-owned land and natural resources development through Citizens Land Banks and Natural Resources Banks. Evaluating and improving management systems to build justice at the workplace.
  4. Communications: Publishing articles, books and audiovisual materials on economic and social justice. Providing speakers bureau and video-taped lectures. Producing justice-based curriculum materials for grade-school to graduate levels.
  5. Global Networking: Developing scholar networks. Chartering student and community chapters. Project partnerships with other organizations.