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Curing World Poverty book cover
Curing World Poverty:
The New Role of Property
John H. Miller, CSC, STD, editor





The Capitalist Manifesto
By Louis O. Kelso and Mortimer J. Adler





The New Capitalists: A Proposal to Save Economic Growth from the Slavery of Savings
By Louis O. Kelso

and Mortimer J. Adler

cover image of Introduction to Social Justice



Introduction to Social Justice
By William J. Ferree, SM, Ph.D

image of Social Charity book cover

Social Charity
By William J. Ferree, SM, Ph.D

The Act of Social Justice by Rev. William Ferree, S.M., Ph.D.
The Act of Social Justice
By William J. Ferree, SM, Ph.D

Cover of Michiel Bijkerk's book, Cuba, A New Beginning




Cuba, A New Beginning:
March from Santa Fé to
Nueva Paz

By Michiel Bijkerk–en español:
Cuba, Un Nuevo
Comienzo: Marcha de
Santa Fé a Nueva Paz

Paleis Van Ma’at
by Michiel Bijkerk

–in de Nederlandse taal