Board of Directors
Norman G. Kurland, J.D., President
Michael D. Greaney, M.B.A., C.P.A., Secretary
Dawn K. Brohawn, Treasurer
Rowland L. Brohawn, Director
Gene Gordon, Director
Dave Hamill, Director
Rick Osbourne, Director
Dan Parker, Director
Dev Ramireddy, Director
Gary Reber, Director
Joseph W. Recinos, M.A., Director, Latin America
Dr. E. Black Uma, Ph.D., Director
Monica Woodman, Director
Board of Counselors
Norman A. Bailey, Ph.D.
Antonio Betancourt
David Binns
Robert Brantley, Ph.D.
Dr. Charles M. Cargille, M.D.
William Christensen, S.M.
Peter Desloge
Richard E. Duffy
Harriet Epstein
The Hon. Rev. Walter E. Fauntroy
Richard Foley
Geoffrey B. Gneuhs
Dcn. Joseph B. Gorini
Rev. Matthew Habiger, O.S.B., Ph.D.
Iftekhar Hai
Norbert Hermes, M.S., Ed. Spec.
Melanie House-Mansfield, Ph.D.
Maurice M. Iwu, Ph.D.
Prof. Jane James, J.D., M.S.W.
Rabbi Herzel Kranz
Rev. Edward Krause, C.S.C., Ph.D.
Allenna Leonard, Ph.D.
Ronald L. Ludwig, J.D.
William R. Mansfield II
Dr. Sheikh Ahmed Subhy Mansour
Dan Moore
Sheila Musaji
Michael J. Naughton, Ph.D.
William L. Nicholson
Steve Nieman
Robert Richie
María Teresa Rosón de Pérez Lozano, Esq.
Robert J. Scanlon
Rodney Shakespeare
Robert W. Smiley, Jr.
Rev. John Trigilio, Ph.D., Th.D.
Rev. Dr. Virgil A. Wood
Project Managers and Field Coordinators
Guy Stevenson, Project Manager
Russell Williams, Project Manager
Monica Woodman, Project Manager
Robert Woodman, Project Manager
Research Fellows
Marc Plotkin, J.D. (2022-2023)
Ian Citti (2022-2023)
Marwan El Alaoui, Ph.D. (2020)
Jawad Shahrvand Faryad (2020)
Lisa Kim Saleh (2020)
Noor-ul-ain Sarwar(2020)
Garibsulton Sultonmamadova (2020)
Rustam Tahirov (2020)
Chernet Yimer (2020)
Jean-Marie Bukuru
Astrid Uytterhaegen
Elhadramy Oubeid
Fati Seyni
Anthony Johnson
Research Intern
Brian Balque (2021)
Charles Martinet (2021)
Julia Murray
Yann Bourgeois
Sasha Miltreiger
Bryan Vosper
Eliza Riley
Leda Kennedy
Chris Carson
Alan Wong
LaDawn Lewis
Scott Ritchie
In Memoriam
Richard G. Biernacki (Counselor)
Robert D. Crane, J.D.
Rev. William Ferree, S.M., Ph.D. (Founder)
Senator Mike Gravel
Kemp Harshman, Director and General Counsel (pro bono)
John Logue, Ph.D. (Counselor)
Vincent J. McGrath, (Founder)
Rev. John Miller, C.S.C. S.T.D. (Director)
Rev. Andrew F. Morlion, O.P. (Founder)
L. Dean Price (Counselor)
William A. Schirra (Founder)
Dr. Max Weismann (Counselor)
State Representative Wyvetter H. Younge (Counselor)
Very Rev. Cassian J. Yuhaus, J.C.P, H.E.D. (Counselor)
Norman G. Kurland, President
Mr. Kurland is a lawyer-economist, pioneer of employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) and a leading global advocate for “the Just Third Way,” a post-scarcity development model that transcends both capitalism and socialism by combining free markets with the democratization of economic power and capital ownership. He serves as President of the all-volunteer Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ), a non-profit think tank headquartered in Arlington, Virginia that he co-founded with Fr. William Ferree and other economic and social justice advocates in 1984. In 1982 Mr. Kurland founded and heads Equity Expansion International, Inc.,* an “investment banking firm for the 99%,” which implements “Just Third Way” strategies around the world to turn non-owners into owners. He is a co-founder of Global Justice (based in Canada) and the Unite America Party launched in 2014. He has taught binary economics and binary policy reforms in privatization seminars at the International Law Institute in Washington, D.C.
In 1985, President Reagan appointed Mr. Kurland as deputy chairman of the bipartisan Presidential Task Force on Project Economic Justice, to promote economic democratization through ESOP reforms in Central America and the Caribbean. In 1987, Mr. Kurland headed the delegation to the Vatican that presented the PEJ Task Force report to Pope John Paul II, following the presentation of the report to President Reagan in a White House ceremony.
He was a close colleague for eleven years of Louis O. Kelso, author of binary economics and inventor of the ESOP. With Kelso, Kurland co-founded the Institute for the Study of Economic Systems. He later became Washington Counsel for Kelso’s investment banking firm. Collaborating with Kelso, Kurland authored and lobbied the first and subsequent ESOP legislative initiatives in the U.S. Congress. He is the principal architect of several model ESOPs and legal systems for expanding ownership, as well as: the first ESOP and worker shareholders association in the developing world at the Alexandria Tire Company in Egypt; the “Capital Homestead Act” (a comprehensive package of national monetary and tax reforms); the “Citizens Land Bank” or “CLB” (formerly called the for-profit “Community Investment Corporation” or “Citizens Land Bank”), a vehicle enabling community residents to share land ownership and profits); and “Justice-Based Management” (a system for applying principles of economic justice and building participatory ownership cultures within business corporations).
Business Week described Kurland as “the resident philosopher of ESOP in the capital.” He was the recipient of CESJ’s first Kelso-Ferree Lifetime Achievement Award, an honor he shares with Senator Russell Long, the legendary champion of ESOP on Capitol Hill. Mr. Kurland has authored numerous articles on the Just Third Way, binary economics, capital homesteading and related concepts for universalizing access to capital ownership. He was a contributing author to the 1994 compendium Curing World Poverty: The New Role of Property (John H. Miller, ed., Social Justice Review), and was the principal author of CESJ’s comprehensive economic reform agenda, Capital Homesteading for Every Citizen: A Just Free Market Solution for Saving Social Security (Economic Justice Media, 2004).
Before joining Kelso, Mr. Kurland was director of planning of the Citizens Crusade Against Poverty, a national coalition headed by the labor statesman Walter Reuther. Before that Mr. Kurland, as a Federal government lawyer, became deeply involved as a civil rights investigator in the Mississippi “one-person, one-vote” movement and later with the core group shaping economic empowerment initiatives in President Johnson’s “War on Poverty.” He came to Washington in December 1959 after receiving a Doctor of Laws degree from the University of Chicago, where he studied law and economics, following five years as an officer on flying status in the U.S. Air Force. TOP>>
Michael D. Greaney, Secretary
Mr. Greaney, a Certified Public Accountant, is CESJ’s Secretary, volunteer Director of Research and a member of the executive committee. He has audited profit and non-profit organizations throughout the world, with the American Red Cross, Georgetown University Medical Center, and the U.S. Federal Election Commission. In his consulting work in ESOP administration, Mr. Greaney authored the ESOP Administration and Accounting Manual for the Alexandria Tire Company of Egypt, the first employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) in a developing country.
Mr. Greaney, who has authored books and numerous articles on expanded ownership, money and credit, and social development, was a co-author of CESJ’s 2005 book, Capital Homesteading for Every Citizen: A Just Free Market Solution for Saving Social Security (Economic Justice Media), and a contributing author and the associate editor of the book, Curing World Poverty: The New Role of Property, published in 1994 by Social Justice Review. In 2002 he was awarded first place by the American Numismatic Association for his series on “A Millennium of Irish Coinage, AD 1001-2002,” published by World Coin News.
Mr. Greaney received his B.B.A. in Accounting from the University of Notre Dame in 1977 and his M.B.A. from the University of Evansville. He received CESJ’s Soldier of Justice Award in 1994. Mr. Greaney is also a board member and Director of ESOP Administration Services of Equity Expansion International, Inc.,* which provides ESOP investment banking and consulting services world-wide. He is the President and co-founder of Once-and-Future Books, an internet venture, republishing long-lost works of literature that strive to present universal moral principles. TOP>>
Dawn K. Brohawn, Treasurer
Dawn Brohawn serves as CESJ’s Treasurer and volunteer Director of Communications, and is a co-founder and executive committee member of CESJ. She is the editor of CESJ’s publications and manages CESJ’s volunteer, internship and membership programs, as well as internal operations. She has conceived and organized numerous CESJ seminars (CESJ’s “Information and Education”, and “Great Ideas” series) and conferences including CESJ’s international roundtables and the CESJ seminar presented at the Vatican in 1991. Ms. Brohawn was a co-author and chief editor of CESJ’s major policy book, Capital Homesteading for Every Citizen: A Just Free Market Solution for Saving Social Security (2005). She was the editor of Every Worker an Owner, which served as the orientation book for the 1986 Presidential Task Force on Project Economic Justice. She was a contributing author to and editorial advisor for CESJ’s Curing World Poverty: The New Role of Property. She was the editor of the Journey to an Ownership Culture (published in 1996 by Scarecrow Press in collaboration with the ESOP Association), a comprehensive guidebook for building an ownership culture by leading experts and model companies in employee stock ownership and workplace participation.
She also serves as Secretary-Treasurer and board member of Equity Expansion International, Inc.*of which she was a co-founder. As EEI’s Director of Justice-Based Management Services, she designs and facilitates ownership participation, education and communications programs for ESOP clients. From 1989 to 2006 she served on the ESOP Association’s Advisory Committee on Ownership Culture (formerly Competitiveness, Communications and Participation). She is a recipient of CESJ’s Soldier of Justice Award. Ms. Brohawn graduated in 1979 from Georgetown University, where she received a B.A. in Honors English and was selected for the Liberal Arts Seminar. TOP>>
Rowland L. Brohawn, Director
Mr. Brohawn, a volunteer, co-founder and board member of CESJ, is a graphic designer with over 25 years of experience in visual communications in a wide variety of media including print, computer and television. He has received top national awards from the print industry for his creative package design. He has served corporate and non-profit clients, designing and maintaining web sites (including CESJ’s, Equity Expansion International’s and Equitech International’s sites) and organizational identity programs. His book designs and presentation visuals have appeared world-wide.
Mr. Brohawn also served as a board member of Equitech International and TV America, where his design talents were employed in ground-breaking expanded capital ownership projects and the introduction of advanced technologies, including the 1986 Presidential Task Force on Project Economic Justice, and the New Birth Project for citizens of the District of Columbia. He and his wife Dawn were volunteer crew members and certified television producers for Channel 69, a community access cable channel in Arlington, Virginia. He is a recipient of CESJ’s Soldier of Justice Award. Mr. Brohawn received his B.F.A. degree in Graphic Design from the Maryland Institute in 1980. TOP>>
Gene Gordon, Director
Gene Gordon is Founder and Executive Director of Descendants of American Slaves for Economic and Social Justice (, headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri.
Born and raised in St. Louis, Gene never attended college, nor did he end up in prison. Gene believes that people are measured by how close they are to the poor and the disenfranchised, and how well they help others overcome systemic challenges and barriers that prevent people from accomplishing their dreams and aspirations.
As President and Partner of Direct Source Maintenance, a Facility Service Management company, Gene and his team offer a broad range of services such as “green” cleaning, construction management, build outs, additions, and urban development. The company’s website, (, provides more information on their full line of services.
Gene Gordon serves on the Board of Directors of the global Center for Economic and Social Justice ( headquartered in Arlington, Virginia. CESJ is headed by Dr. Norman Kurland, a pioneer in expanded ownership institutions and laws. His accomplishments include designing the initial Federal ESOP laws for worker ownership and working with community leaders in Central Harlem in the late 1960s and in East St. Louis from 2000-2009 to introduce mechanisms for equal citizen ownership of community land.
Under Gene Gordon’s leadership and in partnership with CESJ, Descendants of American Slaves for Economic and Social Justice has launched The Heart of America Project. Gene and his CESJ colleagues convinced Missouri State Senator Karla May to introduce SB460, which would create a model for-profit Community Investment Corporation, a citizen-owned land development corporation, in St. Louis and surrounding areas. On March 4, 2021 Gene Gordon testified in support of the bill before the Missouri Senate Oversight Committee. This groundbreaking model would demonstrate at the community level how the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks (starting with the St. Louis Fed), commercial banks and private insurance companies could finance sustainable economic growth, while creating equal capital ownership opportunities for every citizen.
The Heart of America Project introduces a series of monetary and tax innovations targeting the systemic causes of poverty, racism and the growing gap in wealth, income and opportunity. If successful, this model will be replicated throughout the U.S. TOP>>
Dave Hamill, Director
Dave Hamill is the founding owner of Esteo Group Inc. (Excellent Service Through Employee Ownership) in Atlanta Georgia. He is also the developer of the “Justice Growth ESOP” business structure, in which employee-owned corporations are chartered to support widespread ownership education and spin-off other employee-owned companies, each of which do the same. A member of the Libertarian Party, Dave has campaigned for national and local candidates and traveled the country as a ballot-access petitioner. He headed up a fundraising effort for Alabama Libertarian Party president Dr. Jimmy Blake in a fight against local taxation without representation. Dave has also campaigned for small government candidates from other parties, including Mike Huckabee for President.
After the 2008 financial crisis Dave decided to focus his efforts on monetary reform that increases free markets while reducing the size and scope of government. When he discovered Capital Homesteading and CESJ he immediately joined the movement. As a CESJ Project Manager, Dave is leading a social media marketing campaign for the Coalition for Capital Homesteading (, as well as outreach to Libertarians. A lifetime Southerner, he studied business at Louisiana State University and has worked in sales, petroleum transportation, and price risk management as a Series 3 licensed broker. Dave and his wife Lisa have three sons and are members of First Baptist Woodstock. TOP>>
Rick Osbourne, Director
Rick Osbourne is a former public-school teacher who spent the past 20 years of his life writing for a living. His primary interests include politics (he’s an independent), economics (more specifically binary economics), psychology (in particular Dr. Eric Fromm), and childhood obesity prevention (
In retirement he works for a private drivers’ education company teaching 15 and 16 year-old students to drive a car. And some of those students have expressed an interest in binary economics. Back in 2004 Osbourne ran a virtual candidate named Joe Lunch Buckett for President of the United States. Joe’s candidacy was based totally on the concepts of binary economics. Rick is married and resides in Naperville, IL with his wife of 48 years (Pamela). He can be reached via email at TOP>>
Dan Parker, Director
A long-time supporter of CESJ, Dan runs a graphic design and marketing business in Whitecourt, Alberta Canada. He also founded, designed and publishes the Community Advisor, a monthly that mixes local news with articles on Just Third Way economics.
One of the websites Dan designed and maintains is or (our global justice movement). This project places Just Third Way economics in a world context.
Dan has also been active in his community and is a past president of the Whitecourt and District Chamber of Commerce and a past member and continuing supporter of the Rotary Club. TOP>>
Dev Ramireddy, Director
As the youngest member of CESJ’s Board of Directors, Dev discovered his passion and prowess for finance, economics, and entrepreneurship early on. Dev’s desire to use his gift for finance to achieve widespread economic empowerment and prosperity led him to the Center for Economic and Social Justice via CESJ Board member Rick Osbourne. During his sophomore year at Waubonsie Valley High School, Dev immediately took a liking to CESJ’s ideology and mission to deconstruct financial inequality and build economic systems for empowering every person with equal opportunity to become a capital owner. Since his introduction, Dev has proved an integral member of CESJ and has contributed to CESJ’s strategic projects.
While a junior in high school during the COVID-19 pandemic, Dev focused his energies on the markets, swing trading to earn substantial returns through impeccably timed investments in a unique market. He also built a real estate portfolio of rental properties in Texas. Dev’s aptitude for finding value in the stock and real estate markets led him to the mentorship of Ramana Korada, co-founder of Aspire Ventures (whom he credits for his first exposure to commercial real estate) and the prestigious VFS Financial Literacy Internship under instructor Manoj Gunalla and director Thirumala R. Kumbum. Dev has also developed his abilities in government affairs as a three-year legislative branch member within his high school’s Youth and Government delegation – highlighted by his title as Most Effective Lobbyist in the state of Illinois in 2020.
During his senior year in high school, Dev continued investing in stock and real estate but focused his attention on the development of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) and the potential of cryptocurrency, which first caught his eye in 2020. His extensive knowledge and expertise with DAOs and cryptocurrency led him to become a proponent and prominent member on the CESJ DAO Project, earning him his position on the CESJ Board of Directors. Dev is a recent graduate of Waubonsie Valley High School and plans to major in entrepreneurship and finance. TOP>>
Gary Reber, Director
Gary Reber is the founder and Executive Director of For Economic Justice (, and an advocate and author for economic justice through broadened ownership of wealth-creating, income-producing physical productive capital. Mr. Reber is a member of the Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ) and the Coalition for Capital Homesteading. Mr. Reber founded with binary economist Louis Kelso, Agenda 2000 Incorporated in 1967 to advocate policies and programs to broaden productive capital ownership in urban development projects.
Mr. Reber studied economic development planning at the University of Cincinnati, University of California, Berkeley, with doctorate studies at the University of Stockholm and Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, and taught binary economics under John Dyckman, Chairman of the City and Regional Planning Graduate School at the University of California, Berkeley. In addition to other publications, Mr. Reber, for the past 21 years, also has published Widescreen Review, an enthusiast home theatre magazine and Webzine ( as well as Ultimate Home Design, a “green” sustainable movement magazine, now on the Web (, and is a producer of high-definition concert video specials.
Mr. Reber testified March 7, 8, 9, 1973 as President of the Institute for the Pursuit of Economic Justice at Berkeley before The Committee On Ways And Means House Of Representatives––Ninety-Third Congress––On The Subject Of General Tax Reform and is the author of numerous articles published by The Huffington Post, Nation of Change and Op-Ed News, as well as nearly 2,000 major posts on the blog site. TOP>>
Joseph W. Recinos, Director, Latin America
Mr. Recinos, a development economist, is a volunteer, co-founder and CESJ’s Director for Latin America. He is also a board member and Managing Director of EEI/Central America & Mexico, representing Equity Expansion International, Inc.* in Latin America. In 1986 he was appointed a Counselor to the Presidential Task Force on Project Economic Justice. Mr. Recinos was the principal consultant for the ESOP at Finca La Perla, which has received recognition as a new model for land reform. He was project manager of the professional team which designed an “ESOP parallel legal system” funded by the Ministry of Planning in Costa Rica, and for the USAID-funded project to implement ESOPs in Guatemala. In 1991 he designed a 100% ESOP buyout plan to privatize the seed processing plants owned by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Honduras. He has advised the World Bank on privatization of the Mexican Steel Industry. Mr. Recinos was contracted by the Inter-American Development Bank to work with the Ministry of Finance and the Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM) to design ESOP legislation. He serves as a principal advisor of the Central American Solidarista Labor Federation and is currently advising port authority and telecommunications labor unions on ESOP privatization strategies.
Mr. Recinos received his Master’s degree in Economics and Latin American Affairs in 1969 from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, and his B.A. in Political Science and Economics in 1967 from the City University of New York. Mr. Recinos received CESJ’s Soldier of Justice Award in 1989. TOP>>
Dr. E. “Black” Uma, Director
Dr. Uma who serves as Chairman of The Republic of Biafra Government In Exile, was born in Igbo land. He is a child survivor of the genocidal war against the Igbo people of Biafra from 1967 to 1970. Upon migrating to the U.S. in the eighties, he earned a B.S. degree in Industrial Technology at Elizabeth City State University in North Carolina, an M.B.A. degree with an emphasis in International Management from Southeast University, Washington, DC, and a Ph.D. degree in Health Care Management. Dr. Uma also holds two post-graduate certificates: one as a Certified Professional Consultant to Management (CPCM) in 2011 and another in Social Justice from Justice University (2023). Dr. Uma has worked with several corporations, including Merck Pharmaceuticals. He is a recipient of several professional awards, including “WHO IS WHO” in leadership and achievement in the corporate world, 2013 and 2018.
As a Human Rights activist starting with the former Biafra Foundation Organization in Washington, DC, Uma is a founding member of the peaceful agitations to free the Biafra people through a United Nations supervised Referendum (Plebiscite), as enshrined in the UN 2007 Charter of Indigenous people. TOP>>
Board of Counselors
Norman A. Bailey, Ph.D.
Dr. Bailey, President of Norman A. Bailey, Inc., is a consulting economist who has worked on international economic and strategic issues for over 30 years, specializing in international debt and monetary affairs. He received his Master of International Affairs and Ph.D. from Columbia University. His clients include governments, corporations, banks, investment firms, trading companies, and consulting, law and accounting firms in four continents. While serving as president of an international investment banking firm he was appointed Professor of Political Science at the City University of New York (Queens).
In 1981 he joined the Reagan Administration as the Director of Planning and Evaluation for the National Security Council. He was later appointed Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director of International Economic Affairs at the White House. Dr. Bailey was a principal author of President Reagan’s Caribbean Basin Initiative and a major force within the White House for encouraging ESOPs in domestic and foreign economic policy, helping introduce such policy initiatives as the Capital Homestead Act and Project Economic Justice. Dr. Bailey speaks five languages and has authored five books and over 130 articles on international politics, economics and business. He served on the board of directors of the Center for Economic and Social Justice and is a senior consultant to Equity Expansion International, Inc. He is a recipient of CESJ’s Soldier of Justice Award. TOP>>
Antonio Betancourt
Antonio L. Betancourt is the President of the World Institute for Development and Peace (WIDP); the Executive Director of the Summit Council for World Peace (SCWP) and the Association for the Unity of Latin America (AULA); and the Deputy Secretary General of the Federation for World Peace (FWP). As an officer, he is responsible for leading these organizations in international affairs in the fulfillment of their charters; brokering dialogue with countries around the world through forums and conferences with current and former heads of state and government, prime ministers, and renowned dignitaries from the Far East, the Middle East and Islamic world, China, Russia, Europe, Latin America and North America. He is a recipient of CESJ’s Soldier of Justice Award. TOP>>
David Binns
Mr. Binns, a CESJ member and Counselor, was the Associate Director of the Beyster Institute (formerly the Foundation for Enterprise Development), an organization promoting employee ownership and participation in the U.S. and internationally. He served as Executive Director of The ESOP Association (1984-1991), the leading organization representing U.S. ESOP companies and professional ESOP advisors. During his tenure, company memberships increased from 450 to 1,900, and the association’s budget increased to $1.5 million from $350,000, and annual meeting attendance, including foreign participants, increased to 1,800 from 500. He is a frequent lecturer on ESOP in the U.S. and in other countries and has been a world leader in promoting the ESOP internationally through an emerging global network which includes affiliated groups in the United Kingdom, France, Egypt, Poland, the U.S.S.R., Australia, Central America, Latin America and the Caribbean. Mr. Binns is a recipient of CESJ’s Soldier of Justice Award. TOP>>
Robert Brantley, Ph.D., M.B.A.
Robert Brantley is Managing Director of The Universal Peacemakers Foundation, which has provided training, educational, charitable and counseling services focusing on crisis and conflict resolution in a faith-based setting since 1994. He is an ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and serves as Elder, Pastoral Counselor, and Clergy Coach to the Body of Christ at Baltimore, Maryland.
As Managing Director of The Brantley Group, Minister Brantley has more than 25 years of experience as a strategic planner, management and financial consultant, organizational developer, economic development adviser, and leadership trainer to businesses and non-profit organizations, nationally and internationally. He is a member of the Christian Management Association and the American Association of Christian Counselors. Bob is the founder and international director of the ICCC (International Center for Clergy Coaching) in Baltimore, Maryland.
Brantley holds a B.S. degree in Business & Economics from Illinois College in Jacksonville, Illinois; an M.B.A. degree in Finance & Urban Affairs from the Northwestern University Graduate School of Management in Chicago, Illinois; and an honorary doctorate degree in Christian/Biblical counseling from the Philadelphia Bible College in Baltimore, Maryland. Bob Brantley has done post-graduate study in Non-Formal Education at the Northeastern Illinois University Center for Inner-City Studies in Chicago; in Business Law at the Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago; and in Development Economics at Howard University in Washington, DC. Bob has completed his coursework and is completing his dissertation toward a Ph.D. degree in Church Administration at Trinity Theological Seminary in Newburgh, Indiana.
Bob Brantley is a founding member of CESJ and served on its Board of Directors. Through his Universal Peacemakers Foundation, he is collaborating with CESJ to launch “Justice University,” a global, online, interactive classroom for teaching the principles, theories and applications of economic and social justice as part of a 21st Century socio-economic paradigm known as “the Just Third Way.” TOP>>
Dr. Charles M. Cargille, M.D.
Dr. Cargille provided clinical care for the mentally challenged for the State of Louisiana and is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Family Practice at LSU Health Science Center Medical School in New Orleans. He has served as a Senior Investigator in Reproductive Endocrinology at the National Institutes of Health and Assistant Dean and director of the Area Health Education Center for the University of North Dakota. In 1973 he was a founder of the World Population Society, a research group oriented to population control goals, and, after deeper reflection on the moral basis of population control programs, in 1994 he made a complete reversal and founded the International Population and Family Association, a group favoring pro-life objectives. His research interests include establishing an institutional structure for pro-life scholarship and creating audio and video research and policy libraries on population, family and ethics. He is also a strong supporter of the Focolare Movement, an international religious movement founded by Chiara Lubich, which promotes an “economy of sharing,” a philosophy he is trying to integrate with the binary economics of Louis Kelso. Born in Kearney, New Jersey, Dr. Cargille studied at Bucknell University, the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, American University and Johns Hopkins Medical School where he received his medical degree in 1961. TOP>>
Rev. William Christensen, S.M.
Rev. Christensen is a Catholic priest and economic development expert who is a living example of global social justice in action. In 1987, together with a Muslim economist, he founded the Institute of Integrated Rural Development (IIRD) in Bangladesh, which was nominated in 2000 for the prestigious King Baudouin Prize and was selected by the World Bank’s Global Development Network as “one of the ten most innovative projects in the world with the most potential for helping humanity.” The IIRD works with local staffs in six project areas, assisting about 800 rural villages (with a total population of 1.2 million people) and 60,000 families identified for IIRD’s comprehensive “poverty eradication program.” Each year IIRD “graduates” about 4,000 families out of poverty, and has reduced the poverty level in its first target area from 37% in 1987 to 18.7% in 2002. Since 1987 IIRD has enrolled 42,000 children in primary school, installed 2,000 drinking water wells, improved the shelters of 9,400 severely poor families, employed 1,500 in its fisheries, forestry and silk projects, and meets weekly with more than 20,000 women from poor families in various community-based education, health and development projects.
He also organized the Bangladesh chapter of CESJ in Dhaka, which has been meeting periodically since 1999, bringing together lawyers, economists, development experts, business and labor leaders and academics to promote understanding, teaching and applications of binary economics and the CESJ principles of economic and social justice. With CESJ and a team of professionals from Bangladesh and the U.S., Fr. Christensen is working to establish the “JBM Garment Factory,” a Justice-Based Management alternative to sweatshops that will employ several hundred women garment workers who will also be co-owners of the enterprise. In addition to serving as a Counselor and member of CESJ, he is a founding member of the Global Justice Movement (.ORG) based in Canada.
Born in Chicago in 1942, Fr. Christensen became inspired in 1957 as a high school student in Kirkwood, Missouri by a talk on social justice given by CESJ co-founder, the late Fr. William Ferree, to become the first Marianist missionary on the South Asian sub-continent. From 1965-1978 he was an activist on racial issues and migrant farm worker problems in St. Louis, serving as an organizer in the Cesar Chavez-led grape and lettuce boycotts. After being ordained as a priest in 1973, in 1978 the Society of Mary granted his continuing request to work in India, where he spent the next 6 years in socioeconomic development projects. Working against the grain of local politics, he was asked to leave. He then spent a year in Nepal helping the government design an integrated development program, after which he began his work with the poorest of the rural poor in Bangladesh.
He received a B.A. degree in English in 1964 from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas and a M.A. degree in sociology from St. Louis University, where he also pursued a master of divinity degree. He entered the Marianist Seminary in 1969. He is a recipient of CESJ’s Soldier of Justice award. TOP>>
Peter Desloge
Peter Desloge is Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Watlow Electric Manufacturing Company, which has 2,500 employees and is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri. He brings more than 18 years of industry and engineering experience to the position, and is the third generation of the Desloge family to lead the family-owned company.
Watlow designs and manufactures all of the components of industrial thermal systems, including complete systems and thermal systems software. The company sells its products throughout the world to original equipment manufacturers and end users in a diverse spectrum of markets. Watlow has introduced a pay-for-performance system called “Total Compensation,” which includes a variable compensation component that rewards individual and company performance, and incorporates a goal-setting, coaching and feedback process. Watlow fosters a culture where every employee is responsible for innovation, employing structures such as the “Innovation Council.”
Mr. Desloge initially joined Watlow in 1983 as a new product development engineer. In 1984, he left Watlow and spent seven years in the industry, working with French Gerleman as a sales engineer and serving as Chief Electrical Engineer for Pandjiris, Inc. In 1990, he founded his own company, Desloge Engineering, which specialized in manufacturing and engineering services and developing customized machinery. Mr. Desloge sold Desloge Engineering to Watlow in 1997, but continued to serve as its General Manager. That same year, he accepted a position on Watlow’s Board of Directors. Mr. Desloge is active in St. Louis’ Regional Business Council and is a committed supporter of the March of Dimes and the St. Louis Zoo. He is involved with the Rural Parish Workers, an organization that addresses the needs of rural Christian women in southern Missouri. Mr. Desloge is also involved with the Institute of Integrated Rural Development (IIRD), a non-profit organization focused on improving the role of women and the plight of the poor in Bangladesh. As a strong child welfare advocate, he supports the St. Louis-based Family Resource Center, and has hosted several foster children. Mr. Desloge has a bachelor’s of science degree in mechanical engineering from Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. TOP>>
Richard E. Duffy
Richard E. Duffy is a retired former executive for Polaroid Corporation with over 35 years experience in research, sales and marketing, quality control, manufacturing, human resources, training and development. He was a founding member and co-chair of the Polaroid grassroots steering committee that organized 8,000 employees in opposition to a hostile takeover of Polaroid. This initiative led to the successful implementation of an ESOP at Polaroid that acquired 20% of the company’s shares.
Mr. Duffy was a founding member and serves as Vice President of the New England Chapter of The ESOP Association, for which he received the Outstanding Chapter Officer of the Year Award in 1992. He also served as Chair of the Executive Committee of the State and Regional Chapter Council of the ESOP Association. His activities within The ESOP Association include membership on the Strategic Planning Committee, the Strategic Plan Monitoring Committee, the Annual Meeting Committee, the Employee Ownership Foundation Committee and the Advisory Committee on Ownership Culture. He received his B.S. degree from Tufts University and has been awarded Certificates in Education and Training, Total Quality Ownership (TQO), Participative Management, Creative Problem Solving Processes, Conflict Resolution Facilitation and Team Building. TOP>>
Harriet M. Epstein
Harriet Epstein has been an active member of CESJ for many years, and became a CESJ Director in the spring of 2006. She is a retired gerontology professional who served as the Long-Term Care Coordinator and Assistant Director of the Alexandria (Virginia) Office of Aging and Adult Services from 1988 to 2001. Prior to that she coordinated recreation programs for seniors at the Northern Virginia Jewish Community Center.
Ms. Epstein has been a volunteer her entire adult life. Her special areas of advocacy, beyond promoting the concepts of CESJ, include adult guardianship, aging, autism, mental health, physical disabilities, and veterans. She founded the Virginia Guardianship Association in 1991 and currently serves on the Virginia Public Guardian and Conservator Advisory Board and on the Board of the Institute for Palliative and Hospice Training, Inc., in addition to her participation on the CESJ Board. She is a Past President of many organizations including the National Capital Chapter of OWL (“the voice of midlife and older women”), and the Temple Rodef Shalom Sisterhood.
Harriet was born in Washington, DC, and has lived in this area most of her life. She graduated from Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts with a BA in English, and obtained her Certification in Gerontology from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. Her articles and poems have been published in several local and national journals and anthologies. TOP>>
The Hon. Rev. Walter E. Fauntroy
The Hon. Rev. Walter E. Fauntroy is a retired member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1971-1991). He began his public career in 1959 as pastor of New Bethel Baptist Church, where he continues to serve. During the 1960s, he was appointed by the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. as director of the Washington Bureau of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. He was District of Columbia coordinator for the historic March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963, and the Selma-to-Montgomery March of 1965. Rev. Fauntroy and others launched the “Free South Africa Movement” with his own arrest at the South African Embassy in 1984. He served as co-chairman of the steering committee of the movement and coordinator of its legislative thrust.
Rev. Fauntroy was chairman of the Congressional Task Force on Haiti, fourth ranking member of the House Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Committee and chairman of its Subcommittee on International Development Institutions and Finance (which oversees the Federal Reserve System). He was also a member of the House Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control, and chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus for the 97th District.
Rev. Fauntroy now serves as President of the National Black Leadership Roundtable, affiliated with the Congressional Black Caucus. He formerly served as chairman of the board of the Southern Leadership Conference, a member of the board of directors of the Martin Luther King Center for Social Change, and a trustee of Virginia Union University, of which he is a cum laude graduate. He also has a bachelor’s degree from Yale University Divinity School. TOP>>
Richard Foley
Richard Foley is a retired conductor for the Southern Pacific Railroad and was a career-long member of the United Transportation Union (UTU). He led the team that worked for employee ownership of the Southern Pacific. Mr. Foley was a founder and Chairman of the American Employees Stock Ownership Association (AESOA). He is also a founder of the OU® — Ownership Union, an ownership-oriented alternative to traditional zero-sum game unionism for achieving economic justice for workers. He has also developed a web site ( to provide an advanced communications tool for enabling workers to organize, have free-wheeling discussions, and reach consensus on group actions, where the anonymity of all participants can be safeguarded.
He also served as the Chapter Chair for the United Shareholder’s Association (USA) for Tucson and Southern Arizona. His shareholder proposal victory in 1988 was the first in the history of corporate America. That record-breaking victory charted a major course change in corporate governance that has spread around the world. AESOA provided many public training and assistance programs in the education and exercise of stock ownership rights. His expert testimony before Congress, the work of USA, AESOA and others brought many positive changes in federal securities law and legislation.
Mr. Foley participated in a special ambassador program for People to People and traveled to England, Germany, and Poland meeting with leaders in government, unions, and academics. He is the first foreign member of the Polish Employee Ownership Union Virtual Think Tank hosted by Kent State University. He is a member of the Center for Social and Economic Justice. Mr. Foley has also developed and implemented a US marketing strategy for the Institute of Integrated Rural Development (IIRD), which is creating worker-owned enterprises among the poorest citizens of Bangladesh. He is also currently a director of the Patient Advocacy Foundation in Tucson, Arizona, where he lives with his family. He served in the United States Navy from 1967 until 1972. TOP>>
Geoffrey B. Gneuhs
Mr. Gneuhs, a founding member of CESJ, is a portrait and landscape artist, who lives in New York City. He has been associated with the Catholic Worker Movement since 1974. The subject of his thesis at Yale was “Peter Maurin: The Life and Thought of the Founder of the Catholic Worker Movement.” From 1979 to 1986, Mr. Gneuhs was associate editor of The Catholic Worker newspaper. He has taught philosophy and ethics at Seton Hall and Fordham universities. He is a co-author of A Revolution of the Heart: Essays on the Catholic Worker (Temple University Press) and editor of The Legacy of Pope John Paul II (Crossroad). His articles have appeared in Freedom at Issue, First Things, America, Commonweal, The Tablet (London), Culturefront, The Chesterton Review, and The National Catholic Register, among others. TOP>>
Dcn. Joseph B. Gorini
Deacon Joseph Bernard Gorini is a clergyman of the Archdiocese on Newark NJ, in good standing, presently living within the boundaries of the Diocese of Trenton.
Deacon Gorini obtained a B.B.A. in Accounting and Electronic Data Processing, Magna Cum Laude, from Pace University, and a M.S. in Business Policy, with distinction, from Columbia University. After a tour of duty in the United States Marine Corps, Joe served as a Member of the Business Systems Staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories, held executive positions at AT&T, AMP, and Hanover Direct, and served as a software quality advisor at Cisco Technologies.
Now mostly retired, through Gorini Enterprises, LLC, Deacon Gorini formerly offered management consulting services, and his spouse and business partner, Veronica Danza Gorini, formerly offered special event planning and management services. Also, Dcn. Gorini was formerly Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Evangelization Enterprises, Inc., which he co-founded with Reverend John Trigilio, Jr., an author and frequent presenter on the EWTN Cable Network. As Chairman and CEO of Evangelization Enterprises, Dcn. Gorini provided guidance to the operating divisions Light and Heat Ministries, and Light and Heat Media in pursuing the mission of (1) restoring America to her foundational precepts, principles and values, and (2) promoting the dignity of the human person; and, (3) advancing the Culture of Life. TOP>>
Rev. Matthew Habiger, O.S.B., Ph.D.
CESJ Counselor Fr. Habiger was President of Human Life International, a pro-life organization with over 30,000 members world-wide. A Benedictine monk at St. Benedict’s Abbey in Atchison, Kansas, he was ordained to the priesthood on June 14, 1968. He earned a doctorate in moral theology at the Catholic University of America. The topic of his dissertation was Papal Teaching on Private Property 1891-1981. Fr. Habiger has been an associate pastor, pastor (1968-72), Newman chaplain at the University of Kansas (1972-76), professor and chaplain at Benedictine College (1977-80, 1986-90), and teaches moral theology at Benedictine College. A contributor to CESJ’s book, Curing World Poverty, he is working with CESJ to develop a global economic agenda that supports life by promoting economic empowerment of the family. Fr. Habiger received CESJ’s Soldier of Justice Award in 1995. TOP>>
Iftekhar Hai
Iftekhar A. Hai, one of ten children in a Muslim family, was born in an ‘untouchable’ community near Mumbai during British rule. He spent 11 years in a Catholic school, graduated from Podar College, a center of Hindu revivalism, and was able to come to the United States for graduate work, where his American mentoring came from his Jewish landlady, who became a close friend. After 25 years in the business community, he dedicated himself to interfaith education and became a leader of leaders. For three decades he has given hundreds of lectures and workshops in school, congregations, and conferences around the world. He was a founding member of United Muslims of America in 1983 and directs its Interfaith Alliance. He has been a trustee of United Religions Initiative, the San Francisco Interfaith Council, and the Interfaith Center at the Presidio. A columnist for the San Mateo Times, Iftekhar is a nationally recognized Muslim leader championing interfaith peace. He became a CESJ Counselor in 2006. TOP>>
Norbert Hermes, M.S., Ed. Spec.
Norbert Hermes is a retired educator. During twenty years he served as an elementary teacher, counselor, school psychologist, plus another twenty years as supervisor of school psychologists and school social workers in a four county Central Kansas Special Education Cooperative.
Norbert has served on various education committees in areas of curriculum and evaluation. Currently he is chairman of a North Central Accreditation Team, which evaluates and recommends accreditation by the state of Kansas, for all programs of study, in three Salina parochial schools. He was a two term member of the School Council for Sacred Heart Jr.-Sr. High School
As a forty-five year member of the Knights of Columbus, Norbert has served on various committees, and leadership positions, including Grand Knight. He and his wife Marlene are Pro-Life Chaircouple and are actively involved with local, state, and national pro-life groups. In 2002 they were chosen Kansas Knights of Columbus Family of the Year, for outstanding work in Knights of Columbus, and in Church and Community Activities.
Norbert helps lead Bible Studies, and co-coordinates Adult Education. He is a Lector; and has been a member and on committees of the Parish Council at Sacred Heart Cathedral and was its first President. He has served on the Diocesan Board of Catholic Charities, and is presently Secretary of Smoky Hill Housing Corp., a 32 unit housing facility under the auspices of the Salina Diocese through HUD, for low income seniors and people with disabilities. Norbert writes a weekly column called Family Treasures for the Northwestern Kansas Register, focusing on topics of morality, culture of life, healthcare, social and economic justice, etc. He is Kansas Representative on the Advisory Board of Christus Medicus Foundation, a group with an education and research mission. CMF advances an ecumenical approach in bringing together nationally prominent pro-life and pro-family groups to actively involve church and pro-life leaders, legislators and citizens in restoring morality to health care, and First Amendment rights of conscience to parents, pharmaceutical and medical personnel, employers, employees, and others. Norbert and Marlene have been members in CESJ since 1997. TOP>>
Melanie House-Mansfield, Ph.D.
Dr. Melanie House-Mansfield is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Mansfield Institute for Public Policy and Social Change. She currently works as an educator with the local county school system. Dr. House-Mansfield is a 21st Century innovative educator who impacts and empowers young minds daily in ways that will make a difference in society and for all of humanity.
Integrating Theater into the Common Core curriculum, Dr. House-Mansfield has successfully created dynamic theatre programs based on age group. Dr. House-Mansfield has taught students from kindergarten through University level. She strives to integrate technology within her educational endeavors where it is appropriate, for example in using tablet technology to encourage University students in creating student films.
Dr. House-Mansfield is an artist in her own right. She has been in theatre since she was three years old. She acts, directs, writes and teaches acting. Dr. House-Mansfield obtained her PhD from the Ohio State University in 2010 within the areas of History, Literature and Criticism in the dramatic arts. She also holds a MFA in Theatre performance, a MA in Pan-African Studies, and a Graduate Certificate in African American Theatre from the University of Louisville.
Upon graduating from her Masters Programs, which she did simultaneously, Dr. House-Mansfield became one of the first recipients of the Alice Eve Barns Award for academic excellence in a graduate program. Additionally, she was awarded a Graduate Dean citation for exemplary work in a graduate program from the University of New Legacy Re-Entry Corporation. TOP>>
Maurice M. Iwu, Ph.D.
Maurice Mmaduakolam Iwu was born in Umuezeala, Umukabia, Ehime Mbano in Imo State (Nigeria). He studied at the University of Bradford, England, receiving a Master of Pharmacy degree in 1976 and a Ph.D in 1978. He was World Health Organization (WHO) Visiting Scholar to Dyson Perrins Laboratory, University of Oxford (1980), Fulbright Senior Scholar, Ohio State University and won the U.S National Research International Prize for Ethonobiolology in 1999. He was a Professor of Pharmacognosy at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (1984–1993).
Entering business, Iwu became Vice-President, Research and Development of Tom’s of Maine, a personal care manufacturing company, and member of the Board of Directors, Axxon Biopharm inc. He served on the Board of InterCEDD, Fund for integrated Rural Development and Traditional Medicine, and became a Counselor to the Center for Economic and Social Justice in 2000. He was the United Nation’s Lead Consultant for the development of Nigeria’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. Iwu has published more than 100 research articles and is the author of four books.
Professor Iwu was President of the International Society of Ethnobiology (1996–2002), member and ex-President of the Nigerian Society of Pharmacognosy, Member of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and Member of the International Society for Medicinal Plant Research. He was the Executive Director, Bioresources Development and Conservation Program and a Senior Research Associate at the Division of Experimental Therapeutics of Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington D.C.
Professor Iwu played a key role in the establishment of the International Cooperative Biodiversity Group based at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington D.C. Professor Iwu is a member of the Board of Trustees of several non-profit foundations and in 1997 he established an independent foundation, the Fund for Integrated Rural Development and Traditional Medicine, which supports poverty alleviation and health projects in Nigeria. He was the lead consultant to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for the development of a National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) for Nigeria and consultant to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa on sustainable utilization of biological resources. His current major research interest is the development of new therapeutic agents for the treatment of HIV/AIDS, tropical diseases and emergent infections based on leads from traditional African medicine and the standardization of herbal medicines. His research work also includes development of strategies for the industrial utilization of tropical plants as a tool for the conservation of biodiversity.
As Chairman of the Council for Democracy in Nigeria, Professor Maurice M. Iwu championed CESJ’s “Just Third Way” as a strategic framework for promoting economic justice and democracy in Nigeria, as well as throughout the African continent. TOP>>
Prof. Jane James, J.D., M.S.W.
Rabbi Herzel Kranz
Rabbi Herzel Kranz, an Orthodox Rabbi in Silver Spring, Maryland, is a member, co-founder and Counselor of CESJ. He is the Founder and Rabbi of the Silver Spring Jewish Center with 300 member, as well as the Founder and Dean of the Hebrew Day School of Montgomery County. Rabbi Kranz was instrumental in the formation of the 1986 Presidential Task Force on Project Economic Justice, helping to bring together Representatives Mike Barnes and Phil Crane, and Senators Russell Long, Chris Dodd, Paul Laxalt, Richard Lugar, and Steve Symms, to co-sponsor the legislation mandating the Task Force. He was appointed Counselor to the Task Force which presented its report to President Reagan, Pope John Paul II in 1987. In CESJ’s 1987 delegation to the Vatican, Rabbi Kranz used “the power of the yarmulke” to persuade then-Archbishop Achille Silvestrini to arrange for the delegation a private audience with the Pope. Rabbi Kranz has strong ties to the Orthodox Jewish community in the U.S. and Israel, and is a major mover in the American branch of the Likud Party. TOP>>
Rev. Edward Krause, C.S.C., Ph.D.
Fr. Edward Krause, a member of CESJ’s Board of Counselors, is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame du Lac, where his father, the legendary Edward “Moose” Krause, was Athletic Director for many years. After earning his Bachelor of Science in 1963, Father Krause did graduate work at the Gregorian University in Rome, where in 1967 he earned his Licentiate of Sacred Theology. After his ordination as a Catholic priest that same year, Father Krause went on to complete his doctorate in Christian Social Ethics at Boston University in 1975 on “Democratic Process in the Thought of John Courtney Murray and Reinhold Neibuhr.”
Father Krause has taught ethics at Stonehill College in North Easton, Massachusetts, Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana, and Gannon University in Erie, Pennsylvania. In 1987 he received a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship to study “Religion, Ethics, and Politics: Pius XII and the Jews” at Princeton University.
Father Krause is head of the Central Bureau of the Catholic Central Union of America in St. Louis, and edits their official journal, Social Justice Review. He also serves on the Board of Directors and Chaplain of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists. He is also on the board of the Scholars for Social Justice and a member of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, and of the Catholic Health Association. He is past vice president of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, and former pastor at Immaculate Conception Parish in Erie, Pennsylvania, where he was also Medical Moral Consultant for the Diocese of Erie.
Father Krause has appeared on EWTN, the Catholic media network founded by Mother Angelica, and has published articles in Social Justice Review, Crisis, First Things, Faith and Reason, the New Oxford Review, and the National Catholic Register, for which he served as contributing editor for many years. He wrote the introduction to CESJ’s “Paradigm Paper,” Supporting Life: The Case for a Pro-Life Economic Agenda (2010).
Father Krause is currently in residence at Holy Cross House at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana. TOP>>
Allenna Leonard, Ph.D.
Dr. Leonard, president-elect of the American Society for Cybernetics, worked with the late Stafford Beer (who fathered the field of managerial cybernetics) in the Complementary Set writing, consulting, facilitating, giving workshops and researching applications of systems thinking. She has concentrated on Beer’s Viable System Model and Team Syntegrity process but also employs other aspects of systems thinking and communication to her work. She is widely published on this subject, including a chapter in Beer’s 1994 book, Beyond Dispute: The Invention of Team Syntegrity. In particular, she has done several projects with the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants to improve the effectiveness of enquiry for audit and other assurance services through the introduction of systems models and methods for integrating multiple perspectives.
She was a member of the delivery team for the Old Man River Syntegration in 1994 and a participant in the 2002 Syntegration for the New Millennium Project in East St. Louis, Illinois. She is committed to the idea of using new thinking and technologies to implement social justice and to increasing public understanding of the assumptions and implications of policy decisions. As an American resident in Toronto, her main outlet for political participation (other than voting) is as a member of Democrats Abroad. TOP>>
Ronald L. Ludwig, J.D.
Before retiring from active practice of the law in San Francisco (1973-99), Mr. Ludwig, a member of CESJ since 1988, was nationally acknowledged as the guru of the American legal profession on employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs). He has written and lectured extensively on ESOPs and employee ownership issues since 1973. He has testified on numerous occasions before U.S. Senate Committee on Finance and U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means regarding ESOP legislation and before Internal Revenue Service regarding ESOP regulations. Currently, he serves as a member of Boards of Directors of Norcal Waste Systems, Inc. (San Francisco) and J.E. Higgins Lumber Company (Livermore, CA), and on the ESOP Advisory Committee of The Sundt Companies, Inc. (Tucson, AZ).
After receiving degrees from Duke University (A.B. in Political Science,1965) and the University of Michigan Law School (J.D., 1968, Mr. Ludwig became a Tax Law Specialist with the Internal Revenue Service, National Office Pension Trust Branch (1968-69). He has also served as an Adjunct Professor (“Pensions and Deferred Compensation”) at Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C. (1971-73), and as a Lecturer in the LL.M. Tax Program (“Employee Retirement Plans”) at Golden Gate University School of Law, San Francisco (1981-84). He served on the Advisory Committee for the U.S. General Accounting Office studies on ESOPs (1984-86).
He was a founding member of The ESOP Association (Washington, D.C.), where he served as Chair of the Legal Advisory Committee (1978-86), Special Counsel to the Executive Committee (1986-94), member of the Legislative & Regulatory Advisory Committee (since 1986) and member of the Steering Committee of California/Western States Chapter (1989-99). In 1992 the association awarded him its Life Service Award. Member. Since 1989 Mr. Ludwig has served also on the Board of Editors of The Journal of Employee Ownership Law and Finance, published by the National Center for Employee Ownership (Oakland, CA), which he joined as a member in 1981. In 2000-2001 he was on the Executive Committee of Board of Trustees of the Employee Ownership Foundation (Washington, D.C.) Among his other affiliations are the American Bar Association, Section of Taxation, Committee on Employee Benefits (1969-2000) and the Western Pension and Benefits Conference (1974-2000). TOP>>
William R. Mansfield II
William Mansfield is Founder and President of the Mansfield Institute for Public Policy and Social Change, a 501(c)(4) organization in Louisville, Kentucky. The institute works with community stakeholders to advocate and lobby for public policy that addresses the social, psychological, physical and economic needs of Millennial Americans.
Mansfield has more than 16 years of mastered skills in various forms of lending, structured finance, strategy development, marketing and sales. In his first position at Penn Corporation, he conducted quantitative analysis, risk ratios and mortality charting, and set up financial depository reserves. In his first year, he built a multi-million-dollar book of business for the company. Opening a satellite office in Louisville, Kentucky, he became the youngest branch Managing Director. Setting high standards for his sales force, Mansfield exceeded every sales objective set by the company.
William later worked in the Insurance and Risk Management Departments at the Travelers Group in New York, the largest financial services company in the world. While at Travelers, he provided support to underwriters, investment bankers, traders and a host of other financial executives.
His passion for planning and executing strategic business initiatives developed as he helped companies improve their stock evaluations, develop investment strategies, diversify their asset base and improve their market position. He has worked for a variety of auto, mortgage, and personal finance companies including Peach State Finance, Accredited Home Lenders, Allied Home Mortgage, Kesso Investment Group and VJ Real Estate Investors, where he has served in key administrative, managerial and executive positions for these companies.
William has also worked in political fundraising for several Washington, DC-based political action committees in the labor, banking, regulatory and educational sectors. This experience has allowed him to develop several key relationships in both the executive and legislative branches of the federal government.
William established 3MG Investment Group as an alternative lending research firm. His primary focus for several years has been in helping pre-revenue mid-size companies structure short-term and long-term debt and equity financial strategies. He has worked with start-up companies with seasoned leadership that possess a longstanding track record of running multi-million dollar organizations at the executive level. His specialization has been in assisting companies seeking $5-10 million dollars for mobilization and operating capital where the companies have financial forecasts that show a proven track record.
Named to CESJ’s Board of Counselors in February 2017, William Mansfield was designated CESJ’s volunteer Director for Millennial Engagement in March 2017. He has opened many high-level business, governmental and community-based contacts for CESJ, as well as opportunities through the Mansfield Institute, for disseminating the ideas of the Just Third Way and Capital Homesteading to rising leaders among the millennial generation. TOP>>
Dr. Sheikh Ahmed Subhy Mansour, Ph.D.
Dr. Mansour is an Egyptian national and democracy advocate with more than thirty years as a scholar of Islam with expertise in Islamic history, culture, theology, and politics. He heads the International Quranic Center, made up of Quranic scholars and professionals throughout the United States and the world. He is a consultant to the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Policy and served as a consultant to the State Department Commission on International Religious Freedom. Dr. Mansour is a member and Religion Consultant to The International Ibn Khaldun Society, which is dedicated to spreading throughout the Muslim world secular democratic values and uniting scholars to oppose Muslim fanaticism.
In 1980 he received his Ph.D. with honors from Al-Azhar University in Cairo — the oldest, largest and most prestigious religious university in the Muslim world, which influences the religious life of Sunni Muslims around the world. Dr. Mansour served as Assistant Professor of Muslim History at Al-Azhar for seven years.
Because of his unconventional scholarship regarding the interpretation of the Quran as a document based on human rights, freedom and justice, Al-Azhar University accused him of being an enemy of Islam. He was tried in its canonical court and expelled on March 17, 1987. Seven months later, the Egyptian government imprisoned and tortured him for two months. In 2002, he was granted political asylum in the U.S. because of persecution in Egypt.
An author of 24 books and 500 articles, fiction and screenplays in Arabic, his works have dealt with the history of Wahabism in Saudi Arabia, a critique of the concepts of Jihad, bigotry and dictatorship in Muslim thought, women’s rights in the Muslim world, and the reform of Egyptian education.
Dr. Mansour is a strong supporter of the Just Third Way as a moral framework for winning the “War of Ideas” against Wahabism. TOP>>
Daniel Moore
Daniel Moore, from Newton Falls, Ohio, is a political activist, consultant, USAF veteran, social entrepreneur, humanitarian, and USW union member. In 2017 he was appointed to the Strategic Advisory Board of the Global Center for Social Entrepreneurship Network, which was established to teach, support and inspire social entrepreneurs from start-up to scale. Dan is also the volunteer campaign manager at KisiiZi Good Shepherd Orphanage Care School in Kenya.
Dan received national and international media attention when, after being a two-time voter for Barack Obama, he volunteered for the Republican Committee in his county in supporting the election of Donald Trump. He explained his reasons by pointing to the economic devastation in his community with the flight of local industry to other countries.
In early 2017, Dan and his family received an unexpected visit by billionaire Facebook founder and philanthropist Mark Zuckerberg who was touring 38 U.S. states to learn from ordinary Americans the greatest problems they were facing. As a result of Mark Zuckerberg’s dinner with the Moore family, Dan was interviewed by multiple US and international press and tv news outlets.
Dan was appointed as a CESJ National Field Secretary in 2011. His focus has been on opening doors for CESJ with social entrepreneurs and unions.
He studied Mechanical engineering technology at West Virginia Institute of Technology, Montgomery, WV. TOP>>
Sheila Musaji
Sheila Musaji is the founder of The American Muslim quarterly journal and served as its editor from 1989-1995. She was the editor in 1990 and 1992 of the Muslim Resource Directory. Since 2001 she has been the editor of The American Muslim online publication, which has published a number of articles by CESJ members.
She is an active voice in the Islamic and interfaith communities, and inv0lves herself with a large number of organizations, projects and events. She was one of the American delegates to the second annual International Muslim Women’s Conference in Khartoum, Sudan; the first Muslim Baccalaureate speaker at Amherst College, Massachusetts; the coordinator of the First North American Muslim Pow Wow in Abiquiu, New Mexico; and a participant in the Parliament for the World’s Religions in Chicago. Sheila Musaji is the author of numerous articles about Islam in America and speaks often at churches, schools, service organizations and synagogues about Islam. She is a member of the Board of Directors for generation Islam. TOP>>
Michael J. Naughton, Ph.D.
Dr. Naughton is an associate professor at the University of St. Thomas where he teaches in the Theology and Catholic Studies department and in College of Business and the School of Divinity. He is the director of the John A. Ryan Institute for Catholic Social Thought (, which examines Catholic social thought in relationship to business, Catholic education and urban issues. He has organized international conferences in the US, Europe, Asia and Latin America on the theme of Catholic social thought and management.
His most recent books are Managing If Faith Mattered: Christian Social Principles in the Modern Organization, Spring 2001 (co-author Helen Alford) and Rethinking the Purpose of Business: Interdisciplinary Essays in the Catholic Social Tradition, Spring 2002 (co-editor, S.A. Cortright). Dr. Naughton is also the co-editor of a new series entitled Catholic Social Tradition (with Todd Whitmore) from the University of Notre Dame. He received a Ph.D. in theology and society from Marquette University and a MBA from the University of St. Thomas. He is married with five children.
Michael Naughton is the author of The Good Stewards: Practical Applications of the Papal Vision of Work, co-editor of The Dignity of Work: Pope John Paul II Speaks to Managers and Workers and Religion and Public Life: The Legacy of Msgr. John A. Ryan. He has published several articles in a wide variety of journals such as America, California Management Review, Commonweal, Journal of Business Ethics, The Thomist, Logos, New Oxford Review, Current Issues in Catholic Higher Education, Review of Social Economy, Journal of Applied Manufacturing Systems, Journal of Human Values and Social Justice Review. TOP>>
William L. Nicholson
Mr. Nicholson is the retired President of Western Building Products, Inc., the region’s largest millwork operation headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The company, which adopted its ESOP in 1983 with 38 people and sales of $14.5 million, now employs 275 worker-owners with sales exceeding $100 million. Based on an on-site study of its operation, a CESJ team concluded that this company is a national exemplar of participative management and social and economic justice at the workplace. Not only is this reflected in the high level of morale at all levels in the company, but it shows up in the financial performance of the company, with share values increasing an impressive average of 12.8% per year since 1983 and its debt-to-equity ratio decreasing from 4.7 in 1976 to 0.7 in 2002. All employee share 100% of profits in 5 different ways and for 20 consecutive years ESOP contributions have matched the limit allowed by Federal law. The pay gap between the highest salary and the lowest is a very modest multiple for a company of its size, reflecting the family spirit of solidarity in the culture.
After receiving his B.S. degree from Iowa Wesleyan College (1966) and his Master of Science in Accounting/Master of Business Administration degrees from Northeastern University in Boston (1967), Mr. Nicholson received his accreditation as a Certified Public Accountant and joined the Chicago staff of Arthur Young and Company, now the Big Five firm of Ernst & Young. In 1969 he was hired as Controller at Western Building Products, a family-owned company started in 1945. He rose to General Manager in 1972 and then to President in 1974. Mr. Nicholson and his top management team have reached out to other employee-owned companies in the region to spread the Justice-Based Management philosophy of CESJ and broader understanding of Kelsonian economics. Mr. Nicholson served for several years on the CESJ board of directors. TOP>>
Steve Nieman
Since the beginning of U.S. airline deregulation in 1978, Steve Nieman has been working as a pilot in the airline industry, employed for most of this time by Horizon Air. He has been active in labor, employee, and corporate politics, starting an in-house union in 1988 for Horizon Air Pilots. In 1998, Mr. Nieman founded and became president of the non-profit Horizon/Alaska Customer/Employee Co-Ownership Association Inc. (HACECA), whose goal is to accomplish a majority buyout of Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air by a partnership of customers and employees.
He is also a co-founder of OU® — Ownership Union — a group offering help in organizing alternative unions focusing on the goal of achieving broad-based corporate ownership, as a means of raising levels of accountability and responsibility, fairness, and social and economic justice for individuals, families, communities, corporations, governments and the world. Both HACECA and OU® Union are closely affiliated with the Virtual Union, a web site ( designed to provide the essential communications tools required to help workers and citizens carry on organizing discussions and reach consensus while protecting their anonymity. TOP>>
Robert Richie
Robert Richie is executive director of the Center for Voting and Democracy, a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing fair elections where every vote counts and all voters are represented. Richie is an expert on both international and domestic electoral systems and has directed the Center (whose president is former Member of Congress John Anderson) since its founding in 1992.
Richie is a frequent source for print, radio and television journalists and has published commentary in such publications as New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Roll Call, Nation, National Civic Review, Social Policy, Boston Review, Christian Science Monitor and Legal Times. His writings have appeared in seven books since 1999, including the feature essay on proportional representation in Whose Votes Count (Beacon Press, 2001). Richie has been a guest on many radio and TV programs, including C-SPAN, NBC News, NPR’s Talk of the Nation and Fresh Air, CNN, FOX and MSNBC.
He worked with congressional staff in writing the Voters’ Choice Act, a bill introduced to allow states to use non-winner-take-all voting methods that was introduced in each Congress since 1995, the States’ Choice of Voting Systems Act introduced in 1999 and the Congress 2004 Commission Bill (HR 506) and Bipartisan Federal Elections Review Act (HR 57), both introduced in 2001.
Born in Washington, D.C. in 1962, Richie graduated from Haverford College with a B.A. in philosophy. Before co-founding the Center and becoming its director in 1992, he worked for three winning congressional campaigns in Washington state and for non-profit organizations in Washington and the District of Columbia. TOP>>
María Teresa Rosón de Pérez Lozano, Esq.
Professor Rosón has been teaching courses in Commercial Law and Bankruptcy for the last 30 years at the Catholic University of Argentina in Buenos Aires, where she received her doctorate of Public International Law and completed post-graduate studies in International Commercial Law. She has specialized on the status of employees in companies faced with bankruptcy and has authored several articles on this subject. She is a member of the academic board of the Buenos Aires Bar Association. After participating in CESJ’s 2000 conference at the University of the District of Columbia, she has been an advocate of CESJ’s moral and economic strategy for addressing Argentina’s economic crisis and the widespread corruption within its democratic institutions. She has translated into Spanish several chapters in the book, Binary Economics: The New Paradigm by Robert Ashford and Rodney Shakespeare. TOP>>
Robert J. Scanlon
Mr. Scanlon is a nationally prominent expert in Total Quality Management (TQM) principles and Six Sigma tools used in evaluating and improving management systems, from multi-billion dollar manufacturing and service corporations to Federal government agencies. He now serves as division chief for the Office of Quality Management and Performance of the U.S. Transportation Security Administration established after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. After receiving his degree in metallurgical engineering from the University of Missouri at Rolla, Mr. Scanlon held high-level managerial positions with responsibility for quality improvement with Caterpillar Inc. (1974-1990), Southern Pacific Lines (1990-1994) and the U.S. Postal Service headquarters (1990-1992). He has been licensed as a Certified Quality Engineer (CQE), Reliability Engineer (CRE), and Quality Manager (CQM).
From 1996 through 2001, Mr. Scanlon was a member, and for two years a Senior Examiner, of the Board of Examiners for the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, the equivalent of the Nobel Prize for organizations practicing America’s highest management standards. From 1999 through 2001 he served as a member of the Panel of Judges for the President’s Quality Award. A former student of Rev. William Christensen who nominated him to the CESJ board, Mr. Scanlon served on CESJ’s task force on Justice-Based Management, which focuses on combining social and economic justice with Baldrige Award principles of quality leadership and corporate performance. He was also an editor and contributor to the Weibull Handbook authored by Dr. Robert Abernethy. TOP>>
Rodney Shakespeare
Mr. Shakespeare studied at Downing College, Cambridge (UK) where he obtained a MA in History. Qualifying as a teacher and a barrister he has worked in education and business. He is co-author (with Robert Ashford) of Binary Economics: The New Paradigm (which is the standard text book on the subject) and works as a tutor and binary economist. He also co-authored The Two-Factor Nation. In recent years Mr. Shakespeare began to see that binary economics, while providing a basic income for all from independently owned capital estates, had to be related to a wider setting if its benefits were to be properly understood. Canon Peter Challen, chair of the Christian Council for Monetary Justice and Canon Emeritus of Southwark Cathedral in London, introduced him to the Global Café where he was able to discuss issues of social and economic justice with thinkers and activists coming from a wide range of intellectual and religious backgrounds. This collaboration with Challen led to their 2002 book, Seven Steps to Justice, published in 2002 to offer solutions to major global issues from the framework of binary economics and economic justice, including CESJ’s “Abraham Federation” approach to nation-building to uproot global terrorism. Mr. Shakespeare has an extensive range of interests. Among other things, he was for many years in London local government politics and has written three musicals with a friend. TOP>>
Robert W. Smiley, Jr.
Robert W. Smiley Jr. is Chairman of the Board and a Managing Director of The Benefit Capital Companies Inc., a national group of merchant banking and financial advisory firms headquartered in Southeastern Nevada, with offices in Irvine, Los Angeles, New York, Dallas and Honolulu. His principal functions include the implementation of management and employee buyouts using employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) and financing techniques. Mr. Smiley has been involved as a principal, consultant or advisor to over $5 billion in successful transactions in diverse industries over the past 25 years. He is a member of the management team of Benefit Capital Partners, which provides equity financing for management, employee, and other buyouts, and brings substantial experience to these transactions.
Mr. Smiley is a founder and past president of The ESOP Association, a nonprofit trade association for ESOP companies with over 2,000 current members and a full-time Washington, D.C. staff. The Association promotes cooperation among government, industry and the professions involved with ESOPs. Mr. Smiley continues as a lifetime honorary member of the Board of Governors, and is a member of the Advisory Committee on Legislation and Regulatory Issues. He is also a director of The National Center for Employee Ownership and a founding editor of and contributing author to its flagship publication, The Journal of Employee Ownership Law and Finance. He is also a trustee of The Employee Ownership Foundation.
Mr. Smiley was invited to testify before the Committee on Finance of the United States Senate in regard to pension legislation subsequently adopted by the U.S. Congress. He has also been invited to testify before state legislatures on pension matters. In recognition of his contribution to pension policy in the United States, he received the President’s Special Achievement Award from the President’s Commission on Pension Policy. Mr. Smiley is a frequent speaker and author on topics of corporate finance involving management and employee buyouts using tax advantaged financing techniques. He is the senior editor and a co-author of Employee Stock Ownership Plans: Business Planning· Implementation · Law and Taxation, first published in 1989 with current annual yearbooks published through 1998 by Warren Gorham Lamont.
Mr. Smiley has served on the faculty of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Extension. He served as a trustee of the Reason Foundation, a free-market think tank, for nine years. Mr. Smiley received his A.B. in Economics from Stanford University and an LL.B. from LaSalle University, Chicago. Prior to entering Stanford he served a tour of duty in the United States Navy. He is a current member of the State Bar of California and the American Bar Association. He has served as a director for a number of companies, both public and private. TOP>>
Rev. John Trigilio, Ph.D., Th.D
Rev. John Edward Trigilio, Jr., Ph.D., Th.D., is president of the U.S. branch of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, an international association of Catholic bishops, priests, and deacons, pastor of Our Lady of Good Counsel Church in Marysville, Pennsylvania, and of St. Bernadette Church in Duncannon, Pennsylvania, executive editor of Sapientia magazine, a member of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, and professor at Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland. He is also a cooperator in the Personal Prelature of Opus Dei.
Father Trigilio graduated from Gannon University in Erie, Pennsylvania in 1983 with a B.A. in Liberal Arts (Theology and Philosophy). He continued his seminary training at Holy Apostles Seminary, Cromwell, Connecticut, and at Mary Immaculate Seminary, Northampton, Pennsylvania, where he earned a Master of Divinity (M.Div.), and was ordained in the Diocese of Harrisburg in 1988. Father Trigilio later earned a Ph.D. in Mediaeval Philosophy and a Th.D. in Biblical Studies.
With Father Ken Brighenti, Father Trigilio has authored several books, including Catholicism for Dummies (2003, 2011), Everything Bible Book (2004), Women in the Bible for Dummies (2005), John Paul II for Dummies (2006), Catholicism Answer Book (2007), Saints for Dummies (2010), and Catholic Mass for Dummies (2011). He has hosted Catholic Answers Radio and EWTN’s Council of Faith, Crash Course in Catholicism, Crash Course on John Paul II, and Web of Faith.
Father Trigilio is a regular contributor to Homiletic and Pastoral Review as well as The Priest Magazine. He is listed in Marquis’ Who’s Who in Religion and Who’s Who in America. Father Trigilio is a Fourth Degree Knight of Columbus and Chaplain to the Sons of Italy. He preaches retreats at Casa Maria in Irondale, Alabama, and gives lectures and preaches parish missions around the country. TOP>>
Rev. Dr. Virgil A. Wood
Rev. Wood is an ordained Baptist minister who became actively involved in the Civil Rights Movement. He served with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as a member of his National Executive Board of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference for the last ten years of Dr. King’s life and coordinated the state of Virginia in the historic March on Washington in 1963. Dr. Wood received his B.A. degree from Virginia Union University, his Master of Divinity from Andover Newton Theological School in Newton, Massachusetts and his Doctorate in Education from Harvard University. He served as Dean and Director of the African American Institute, and Associate Professor at Virginia Seminary and College in Lynchburg, and a visiting Lecturer, Research and Teaching Fellow at Harvard University.
As a member of the board of the Institute for the Study of Economic Systems, founded by Louis O. Kelso with Norman Kurland as its executive director, Dr. Wood introduced Dr. King to Kelso’s ideas, after which Dr. King encouraged Dr. Wood to spread Kelso’s ownership message. Dr. Wood is the author of several books, including Introduction to Black Church Economic Studies. His concept of a biblical jubilee served as the foundation for the Jubilee Bible project that resulted in the African American Jubilee Edition of the King James Version of the Holy Bible, published in 1999 by the American Bible Association. Section One opened with Dr. Wood’s article, “The Biblical Jubilee.” He served for many years as the pastor of the Pond Street Baptist Church in Providence, Rhode Island. TOP>>
Project Managers and Field Coordinators
Guy Stevenson, Project Manager
Guy C. Stevenson has been a practicing Independent Financial and Investment Advisor for over twenty-five years, and has won a number of national awards in the field of finance. He specializes in pensions, retirement income planning, and risk management, and has developed an ongoing practice. He has served over 250 clients, among which are several business enterprises and non-profit agencies that retain Mr. Stevenson as professional financial advisor.
He was appointed in 2010 as a National Field Secretary for the all-volunteer Center for Economic and Social Justice.
Mr. Stevenson attended Western Illinois University and St. Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa. Mr. Stevenson has worked for International Harvester, Modern Woodmen of America and a number of financial services companies. The father of three children and the grandfather of five, he resides in Bettendorf, Iowa, where he and his wife are active in church and community activities. TOP>>
Russell Williams, Project Manager
Russell Williams, owner and principal of the RC Williams Company, is an experienced businessman, economic development consultant, and insurance executive. Mr. Williams has been intimately involved with civil rights organizations for much of his life. During his tenure with the NAACP he helped recruit the first minority contractor in the state of Connecticut for the reconstruction of Hartford Public Schools. Diggs Construction (based in Kansas City, KS) was chosen to oversee approximately 600 – 700 million dollars in construction.
He served as Treasurer of the Greater Hartford Branch of the NAACP, and was responsible for budgeting and managing branch resources, as well as ensuring the integrity of financial matters within the branch. As Chairman of the Hartford Branch’s Economic Development Committee, Mr. Williams collaborated with other organizations and created strategic alliances to improve the efforts and capabilities of the organization.
Mr. Williams also served as chairman of the Connecticut State commission on human rights and opportunities coordinating council charged with oversight of all state agencies contract compliance reporting, and ensuring economic development opportunity for small business and entrepreneurs.
Mr. Williams is the founder, producer and host of the radio talk show “The Challenge” (WKND) broadcast from Hartford, Connecticut. This was the first live broadcast from that radio station to feature economic issues and solutions from the Just Third Way perspective, including Capital Homesteading for every citizen. It has featured interviews with local, national, and international guests, including various CESJ spokespersons.
Mr. Williams was ordained as a deacon at Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church under the auspices of Rev. Dr. Larry Couch in May 1997. He serves on numerous committees, is a choir member, and is a member of the Executive Committee and finance board. As the Connecticut CESJ Project Manager, Mr. Williams oversees outreach, marketing and chapter organizing efforts in the state, particularly within the Hartford community. TOP>>
Monica Woodman, Cleveland Coordinator for CESJ Chapter and Projects
Robert Woodman, Project Manager
Research Fellows
Jean-Marie Bukuru (2015) TOP>>
Astrid Uytterhaegen (Summer 2014)
In Memoriam
Richard G. Biernacki
Mr. Biernacki was President and CEO of 100% employee-owned Fastener Industries of Berea, Ohio from 1980 to 1997. The company is widely acclaimed as one of the world’s most successful and profitable models of ESOP and participatory ownership. He served as the chairman of The ESOP Association, America’s foremost trade organization for ESOP companies and professionals, and as a board member of the National Cooperative Bank and the National Center for Employee Ownership.
In 1991, he participated in the CESJ delegation to Rome which had an audience with His Holiness John Paul II, and where Mr. Biernacki and two other ESOP CEOs delivered presentations to church officials and academics on building ownership cultures within business corporations. At the CESJ Rome conference, Fastener Industries (a leading manufacturer of industrial fasteners) was awarded, along with AVIS Rent-a-Car and Allied Plywood Corporation, the 1991 CESJ Global Award for Value Based Management. Mr. Biernacki’s uniqueness as a corporate leader was reflected in his observation that “ownership without the right to vote is not true ownership.” His leadership at Fastener Industries was distinguished by his willingness to be held accountable and be subject to being replaced at any time by the company’s democratically elected board. TOP>>
Robert D. Crane, J.D.
Dr. Crane is Chairman of the newly formed Center for Understanding Islam, and Vice-Chairman of Crescent University. He is Associate Editor for Law and Policy of the new online magazine, The American Muslim. Since 1996 he has been President of the Center for Policy Research, which develops “grand strategy” to infuse Islamic thought in a systematic and professional way into the formation of current policy in Washington, D.C.
He received his B.A. from Northwestern University, summa cum laude, in normative (justice-based) economics, studied the sociology of religion at the University of Munich, and earned his Doctor of Laws (J.D.) in 1959 from Harvard Law School with specialization in comparative legal systems and international investment. At Harvard, Dr. Crane founded the Harvard International Law Journal and became the first president of the Harvard International Law Society. In 1962 he co-founded the Center for Strategic and International Studies. From 1963 to 1968, he served as Foreign Policy Advisor to Richard Nixon who appointed him as Deputy Director of the National Security Council in 1969.
Dr. Crane’s first professional article on Kelsonian techniques to expand or broaden capital ownership as the key to U.S. foreign policy was published in the Summer 1969 issue of Orbis: A Quarterly Journal of World Affairs, entitled “New Directions for American Foreign Policy: Some Thoughts for Macro-Modeling.”
Dr. Crane was the principal da’ii (religion instructor) from 1983 to 1986 at the Islamic Center on Massachusetts Avenue in Washington, D.C., and from 1986 to 1988 was Director of Publications in the International Institute of Islamic Thought. From 1992 to 1994 he was Director of the Legal Division in the American Muslim Council, and was elected president of the Muslim American Bar Association. Dr. Crane has published 10 books and several dozen professional articles on comparative legal systems, global strategy, and information management. TOP>>
Rev. William Ferree, S.M., Ph.D. (1905-1985)
Father Ferree is widely recognized as a scholar on social morality generally and social justice in particular, as espoused in the writings of Pope Pius XI, especially in the 1931 encyclical, On the Reconstruction of Social Order. When he died in 1985, he was eulogized as “the second founder” of his religious order, the Society of Mary. His Introduction to Social Justice, written in 1947 and republished by CESJ and Social Justice Review in 1997, was developed for teachers of social justice, offering practical and hopeful guidelines for meeting the complex challenges individuals face in trying to change basic economic and social institutions.
Born in Dayton, Ohio in 1905, Father Ferree was ordained as a Marianist priest in 1937, and received his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in philosophy at Catholic University of America, following studies at the University of Dayton and University of Fribourg in Switzerland. His book, The Act of Social Justice, derived from his 1944 dissertation, is considered by moral philosophers worldwide as a classic in its field. He taught philosophy at Dayton University but left teaching, much to his regret, to become an administrator. His appointment as Assistant World General for the Offices of Education and Apostolic Action of the Society of Mary (1956-66) took him to over 30 countries. He served as Rector of Catholic University of Puerto Rico (1953-56) and President of Chaminade College in Hawaii (1966-68).
From 1968 to his “official” retirement in 1973, during the turbulent years of student activism, he served as Provincial Superior of the Cincinnati Province of the Marianists and Chairman of the Board of the University of Dayton. He then founded and directed the Second Career Project, which allowed him to spend his leisure years lecturing and adding to his many writings, including a treatise that links modern management theory to social morality. Among his activities outside the Marianist order, Pope John XXIII appointed Father Ferree as one of the consultants of the Pontifical Commission on the Apostolate of the Laity in Preparation for Vatican II. He was also a member and Chaplain General of Pax Romana, a federation of Catholic intellectual and student groups and movements.
In 1982, through his longtime admirer Bill Schirra, Father Ferree found in the writings of Louis Kelso the answer to his lifelong search for an economic theory and methodology that would complement Catholic social teachings. As a result, driving from Dayton to Washington monthly on what he called his “monthly pilgrimage”, he became a co-founder of CESJ to promote this new approach to global economic development. In this new mission, he contributed new writings and lobbied for CESJ’s “just third way”, an expanded ownership system that challenges the so-called “democratic capitalism” advocated on the right by the prestigious Catholic Lay Commission and the stale socialistic wage and income redistribution systems advocated on the left by the main authors of the Catholic Bishops Pastoral Letter on the U.S. economy, dubiously named Economic Justice for All. Father Ferree also helped strengthen support for CESJ’s successful initiative to establish the Presidential Task Force on Project Economic Justice, to apply the Kelso development model (“Make every worker an owner”) as an effective counter-strategy to Marxist Leninism in Central America and the Caribbean. TOP>>
Senator Mike Gravel
After serving four years in the Alaskan State legislature, the latter two as speaker of the house, Mike Gravel represented Alaska in the U.S. Senate from 1969-1981. Senator Gravel served on the Finance, Interior, and Environment and Public Works committees, and the Environmental Pollution subcommittees, and was a prime mover and took many bold stands in many of the critical issues of the day, including the Alaska Pipeline (to reduce US dependency on foreign oil), Nuclear Power (he opposed fission reactors on environmental grounds), the Native Claims Settlement Act (he fought government paternalism over native economic affairs), the Peacetime Draft (he opposed it), he used his office to arrange for the release of the Pentagon Papers (detailing how the US ensnared itself into the Vietnam War), the UN’s Law of the Seas Convention (failed to get US support for signing it), Satellite Communications (his efforts linked remote Alaskan villages to medical diagnoses at the National Institute of Health), and Red China (six months prior to Kissinger’s secret trip to China, he introduced unpopular legislation to normalize relations with that country.)
Working closely with ESOP champion Senator Russell Long, Senator Gravel became an early supporter of Louis Kelso’s vision for broadening the ownership of capital in our society. He authored and secured the passage into law of the General Stock Ownership Corporation (GSOC), Subchapter U of the Internal Revenue Code. With the hope of first using this law in Alaska, he brought about an initiative decision in the state’s general election of 1980 on the creation of an Alaska General Stock Ownership Corporation (AGSOC). As part of this effort, he negotiated a tentative agreement with the British Petroleum Company to sell their interest in the Alaska pipeline to the AGSOC. With powerful political interest favoring an income redistribution scheme over citizen ownership participation through AGSOC, voters turned down the AGSOC. BP now considers its pipeline interest to be of the most profitable of its Alaskan holdings. Had AGSOC been approved and the purchase consummated, it would be paying out dividends of several hundred dollars annually to every citizen/shareholder in Alaska.
During his years in office, Senator Gravel increasingly came to understand that fundamental solutions can only be brought about by the people. It is the confluence of this realization, his experience as an elected representative, and his idealism that has equipped Senator Gravel to craft a process that will empower the people. In the early 1990’s, Senator Gravel founded Philadelphia II and Direct Democracy, the nonprofit entities charged with bringing this process to fruition. Senator Mike Gravel participated in CESJ’s April 7-9, 2000 syntegration on the “Just Third Way.”
He authored Jobs and More Jobs and Citizen Power, and used his position as a senator to officially release the Pentagon Papers and facilitated their publication as The Senator Gravel Edition, The Pentagon Papers; Beacon Press.
Senator Gravel’s business activities have encompassed real estate, finance, and energy. He enlisted in the U.S. Army (1951-54) and served as an adjutant in the Communications Intelligence Services and as a Special Agent in the Counter Intelligence Corps. He received a B.S. in Economics at Columbia University, New York, and holds four honorary degrees in law and public affairs. He lectures and writes about governance, capitalism, energy, environmental issues, and direct democracy. TOP>>
Kemp Harshman, Esq.
Mr. Harshman, a lawyer and entrepreneur, was a CESJ volunteer and member of the executive committee. He was founder and President of the Clarendon Foundation, a non-profit educational organization originally based in Arlington, Virginia. Its current projects include assisting schools and colleges in obtaining instructional television broadcast licenses, broadcasting educational programming on wireless cable systems, organizing a communications cooperative for educational institutions and nonprofit organizations, creating closed captioned databases on the Internet of Congressional floor debates and hearings for the public, producing an educational television program for the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum, and rewiring low and moderate income housing for the information highway. Mr. Harshman, who conceived the “History Channel” later sold to Arts and Entertainment (A&E) TV, was Project Manager of CESJ’s “Wireless Cable TV” project which provides justice-based educational television programming and advanced telecommunications technology to schools and other consumers in remote areas.
He worked in the capacities of executive officer, legal counsel and analyst for organizations including the President’s Council on Environmental Quality, the Reagan-Bush Committee National Headquarters, the Lugar for Senate Committee, the American Management Association, and management consulting firms involved with technology transfer and technical-legal aspects of new product development. Mr. Harshman was a member of the Bar of the U.S. Supreme Court. He served from 1986-92 as legal counsel for the Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution. Mr. Harshman received his law degree (J.D.) from the University of Michigan Law School and his Masters of Public Policy degree from the University of Michigan. He was a recipient of CESJ’s Soldier of Justice Award. TOP>>
John Logue, Ph.D.
Dr. John Logue was founder and Director of the Ohio Employee Ownership Center (OEOC) at Kent State University, generally acknowledged as the premier university-based and state-supported U.S. center on employee ownership research, training and technical assistance. Dr. Logue also served the university as Professor of Political Science. At the OEOC he directed the activities of a staff of full-time employees who provide information on employee ownership, preliminary technical assistance to employees seeking to buy and owners seeking to sell their businesses to their employees, employee ownership training and organizational development to employee-owned firms, and a dozen programs of 1-3 days annually to a joint company training network of some 60 firms. The OEOC has also conducted some international work and has an active applied research program. The principal funds for operating OEOC come from the Ohio Department of Development, the U.S. Department of Labor, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, the Ford Foundation, the Gund Foundation, the Heron Foundation, employee-owned companies, private donations, and program income.
Dr. Logue was an author, coauthor, or editor of some 65 book chapters, journal articles, monographs, and journal special issues on various aspects of employee ownership, employee participation and involvement, industrial and labor market policy, technology policy, party politics, the trade union movement, investment funds, and the welfare state in the US, Scandinavia, and Russia. These articles have appeared in Danish, German, Italian, Russian and Swedish, as well as English.
Among his community activities, Dr. Logue served as an outside director for the ESOP participants on the boards of directors of Reuther Mold and Manufacturing (a 37% employee‑owned machine shop in Cuyahoga Falls, OH) from 1987-97, and Sharpsville Quality Products (a 55% employee-owned foundry in Sharpsville, PA) appointed by the Steelworkers from 1996-2000. He also served as a member of boards of trustees of Common Wealth (a non‑profit community organization which promotes egalitarian economic development, principally through employee ownership, in the Mahoning Valley) since 1986 and the Jim Smith Memorial Educational Fund (sponsored by the United Steelworkers of America) since 1997.
His undergraduate studies were at the University of Texas (Austin), 1966-70, where he received his B.A. summa cum laude, the University of Munich (Germany), 1967-68, and Universidad de las Americas (Mexico, DF), Summer 1966. His graduate studies were at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), 1970-71 and 1973-74, and Princeton University, 1971-75, where he received his M.A. in political science in 1973 and his Ph.D. in political science in 1976. Among his honors and fellowships are: Phi Beta Kappa 1969; Danish Marshall Fellowship 1970-71; Woodrow Wilson Fellow; Danforth Fellowship 1970-75; Research Fellowship, Danish Social Science Research Council 1978-79; Swedish Bicentennial Fellowship, 1980; Finalist, Wright Memorial Prize; W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 1985; Fulbright professorship, University of Copenhagen (Denmark) 1992; Finalist, KSU Alumni Association; Distinguished Teaching Award, 1997; Finalist, KSU Distinguished Scholar Award, 1998; and Winner, KSU Distinguished Scholar Award, 2002. TOP>>
Col. Vincent J. McGrath (1914-2005)
Col. McGrath was a volunteer, co-founder, Secretary, executive committee member and Director Emeritus of CESJ. He retired from the Army in 1966 as a colonel with 30 years of service including those as a staff aide to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He spent the next 15 years as a life insurance underwriter with Acacia Mutual, and the next five years running his own Estate Liquidity Services, from which he retired in 1985. He was a member of the Million Dollar Roundtable and also served as a counselor for SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives).
In 1984 he launched the Center for Economic and Social Justice, along with lawyer-economist Norman Kurland, philosopher Rev. William Ferree and seven other individuals. Devoting himself to full-time volunteer work for economic and social justice, Col. McGrath wrote the Master Plan for CESJ’s organization and operations. He played a major role in planning and implementing CESJ’s educational, membership and outreach programs.
In 1986 he was designated a Counselor to the White House Task Force on Project Economic Justice spearheaded by CESJ that presented a report to President Reagan and Pope John Paul II in 1987. This acclaimed report recommended employee stock ownership initiatives in Central America and the Caribbean. He helped organize CESJ’s ecumenical delegation to the Vatican in November 1991. For several years Col. McGrath wrote a regular column for the Social Justice Review, entitled “Economic Justice Corner.” He was a recipient of CESJ’s Soldier of Justice award. TOP>>
Rev. John Miller, C.S.C. S.T.D., (1925-2006)
Fr. Miller, a Holy Cross Father, was a long-time volunteer and board member of CESJ. He was the Editor of the Social Justice Review, which contains a regular column contributed by CESJ, entitled “Economic Justice Corner.” He was educated for the priesthood at the Angelicum in Rome, and was ordained in 1951. Pope Paul VI appointed him to the liturgical commission formed after Vatican II.
Fr. Miller taught theology for seven years at the University of Notre Dame, was associate professor of theology at Loyola University in New Orleans where he taught for seven years, and lectured in theology in Germany and at the Catholic University of America. From 1962 to 1967 he was associate editor for liturgy of The New Catholic Encyclopedia. He translated into English from French several books by Father Michel Schooyans and Cardinal Paul Poupard. Fr. Miller was elected to the Academy of Catholic Sciences, USA.
He served the Archdiocese of New Orleans as Religious Education Director and served his Order as Provincial Superior. The author of five books, Fr. Miller was the editor and publisher of Curing World Poverty: The New Role of Property. He was a recipient of CESJ’s Soldier of Justice Award. TOP>>
Rev. Andrew F. Morlion, O.P. (1904-1987)
Born in Belgium in 1904 and an avowed atheist until the age of 21, Father Morlion reconverted to Catholicism and became a Dominican priest. When he died in New York City in 1987, his obituary described him as a “diplomatic trouble-shooter among leaders of the world for 50 years.”
After studying philosophy, theology and engineering at the University of Louvain and spending several years at the Dominican Institute of Ghent, he joined the Dominican Order. In 1932 he founded the International Pro Deo Union (also known as the “United People’s Movement”) as an independent association to promote world ecumenism among young political, educational, cultural and religious leaders from every faith and nation. Until his death, this group published a monthly newsletter, United People that circulated in 152 countries.
In 1945, with the support of Pope Pius XII, he founded and headed the International University of Social Studies in Rome and served five popes as their private emissary. Several of Italy’s prime ministers and other leaders graduated from the university. On hearing of his death, author and Saturday Review editor Norman Cousins said, “Father Morlion was a peace broker who helped to widen the opportunities for dialogue between western democracies and east European countries, and to reduce tension between East and West. He was a study in perpetual motion, bringing ideas and projects before political and religious leaders in every land.”
In his book The Improbable Triumvirate Mr. Cousins revealed that Father Morlion’s diplomacy helped bring about the 1962 settlement of the Cuban Missile Crisis. He was instrumental in the release of Joseph Cardinal Slipyi of the Ukraine and Joseph Cardinal Behan of Czechoslovakia, and helped pave the way for the Kennedy-Khrushchev Test Ban Treaty. Behind the scenes he worked to overcome problems between France and Germany and China and the United States. During World War II he was active in the European underground, helping Jews escape from Hitler’s Germany. After the Gestapo put a price of a million dollars on his head, he escaped Europe through Spain to New York, where he published a monthly letter of underground news.
When he met Norman Kurland in 1984 at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, Father Morlion immediately recognized the significance for world peace of the ideas of Louis Kelso and Father William Ferree (whom he described as “the most profound American social philosopher”), became a founding member of CESJ and worked tirelessly until his death spreading CESJ’s message among his influential friends. TOP>>
L. Dean Price
Mr. Price, a CESJ Counselor, was founder and Chairman of Equitech International LLC, a Virginia-based systems integration firm whose mission is to meet the challenge of R. Buckminster Fuller: “How do we make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone.” The firm, made up of accomplished architects, engineers, scientists, professional managers and a network of advanced technology companies, focuses on the integration and commercialization of advanced proven technology components to meet the world’s energy, water, waste disposal, telecommunications, human dwelling and other life support and community needs.
Mr. Price held the position of University Architect and Planner at Georgetown University for 20 years after which he served as Counselor for Federal Relations to the university’s President for 11 years. Among his most noteworthy accomplishments at Georgetown was the preparation of the NEICES project, a 20-year comprehensive hydrogen age master plan to enable the campus to become energy self-sufficient by converting its medical waste, solid waste, and human waste into hydrogen-based fuels to meet the university’s electricity, water, heating and air conditioning needs. Components of the NEICES master plan that were completed under Mr. Price’s guidance included: a 2.2 million gallon cryoaquatic reservoir for reducing nighttime energy costs; the first successful 10-megawatt clean coal atmospheric fluidized bed power generator; and the world’s largest (300 KW) photovoltaic array. The latter became the linchpin of a national consortium between the NEICES team, NASA, Jet Propulsion Lab and other major players developing a stand-alone total energy system for lunar and space projects, an 8-year experimental project completed at Edwards Air Force Base in 1995. He was also lead investigator for the development of the first Advanced Fuel Cell Bus Project supported by the Federal Government, which produced three near-zero-emission 30-foot buses.
Mr. Price worked with CESJ on several major projects: the New Birth Project for the District of Columbia, the establishment of the Institute for Economic and Social Justice at the University of the District of Columbia, and the New Millennium Project in East St. Louis, where he designed “Jubilee,” an advanced energy self-sufficient satellite new town to incorporate all of the patented technologies developed by Equitech.
Prior to coming to Georgetown, Mr. Price had his own architectural firm in California where he was architect of record for over 100 facilities from 1951-1968 and received several awards for his advanced facility design and planning criteria. He was hired in 1968 to be Scientific Advisor and Superintendent for Advanced Hospital Systems for a life sciences research and engineering division of North American Rockwell, working with 200 specialists reassigned from the Apollo Programs to develop a 150-bed hospital as a robotics showcase. He graduated with honors from the School of Architecture at the University of California at Berkeley. During World War II, as an infantry intelligence sergeant in Europe, he survived Hitler’s attempted counter-offensive in the Ardennes, one of the great battles of the war, costing 60,000 Allied lives and 250,000 German lives. He was an accomplished artist, painter, sculptor, poet and cornetist and was the founder of the “Great Spirits Society.” TOP>>
William A. Schirra
Mr. Schirra was a co-founder and former board member of CESJ. He was a retired Chartered Financial Consultant, C.L.U., and member of the Million Dollar Roundtable. He served as President of William A. Schirra & Associates of Pittsburgh. Mr. Schirra, who was appointed as a Counselor to the 1986 Presidential Task Force on Project Economic Justice, participated in CESJ’s two ecumenical delegations to the Vatican. He was also instrumental in bringing together social justice philosopher Rev. William Ferree with Kelsonian economist and lawyer Norman Kurland, which led to the formation of CESJ. Mr. Schirra served for several years as CESJ’s Treasurer and organized the first CESJ chapter in 1987. He received the first CESJ Founder’s Certificate of Recognition. TOP>>
Dr. Max Weismann
An American philosopher and a long-time friend and associate of Mortimer J. Adler (co-author with Louis O. Kelso of The Capitalist Manifesto, 1958, and The New Capitalists, 1961), Dr. Weismann co-founded the Center for the Study of the Great Ideas in Chicago with Adler in 1990.
Dr. Weismann was director and president of the Center, and devoted his life to promoting Adler’s ideas, especially as found in the study of the “Great Books.” He also compiled, edited, and published How to Think About the Great Ideas: From the Great Books of Western Civilization (2000), a 600-page collection of previously unpublished pieces derived from Alder’s television series, The Great Ideas. Max was also chairman of the Great Books Academy, with more than three thousand students, and was a Fellow at the Adler-Aquinas Institute.
Prior to his association with Adler, which focused on philosophy and education, Dr. Weismann was a consultant in the fields of architecture, construction management, and exhibit design and fabrication. He worked on famous projects like the Century 21 Exposition, 1964 New York World’s Fair and Expo 67, with such notables as Dr. Athelstan Spilhaus, Walt Disney, Frank Lloyd Wright, Buckminster Fuller, Mies van der Rohe, Louis I. Kahn, Paul Rudolph, Marcel Breur, José Luis Sert, Edward Durell Stone, Minoru Yamasaki, Harry Weese, Moshe Safdie, Jacques Yves Cousteau, Alexander Calder, and Edward Larrabee Barnes. Max also oversaw the development and construction of the Chicago Botanic Garden.
He also invented a revolutionary color imaging system, that was used worldwide in the fields of color proofing and printing, graphic design, television and advertising.
Dr. Weismann’s interest in education was highlighted by his interest in the “Justice University” concept developed by CESJ. Dr. Weismann served on the Board of Counselors for the Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ) from January 2016 until his death in February 2017. TOP>>
State Representative Wyvetter H. Younge
Rep. Younge was a life-long resident and championm of East St. Louis, Illinois and since 1971 served as the elected State Representative for the 114th Legislative District to the Illinois General Assembly. She chaired the House Education Appropriations Committee, dealing with budgetary matters of public universities and public school systems throughout Illinois. In 1995 she was named Assistant House Democratic Leader. She received her undergraduate degree in 1951 from Hampton University in Virginia, her Doctorate of Jurisprudence degree in 1953 from St. Louis University School of Law, and her Master of Laws degree in 1972 from Washington University School of Law in St. Louis. From 1955-57 she served as Assistant Circuit Attorney for the City of St. Louis. For her work in the Illinois Legislature she was awarded “Best Legislator” by the United Auto Workers (UAW)
Rep. Younge had a solid national reputation as a civil rights activist and for her lifelong commitment to social and economic justice for the poor. In collaboration with the world renowned dancer Katherine Dunham, she was instrumental in the early 1970s in attracting practical visionaries like the late Buckminster Fuller and Louis Kelso to apply their genius in designing advanced architectural, technological, financial and institutional innovations for building in East St. Louis a revolutionary 21st century global model they called “Old Man River City.” Never abandoning this dream, in 2002 she and CESJ attracted successful followers of Fuller, Kelso and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to meet for four days with community leaders and developers in a “New Millennium Syntegration” to plan concrete steps for implementing that advanced city, starting with a satellite new town its designers call “Jubilee,” to update the biblical concept of a community based on the sharing of ownership and profits among all citizens. TOP>>
Very Rev. Cassian J. Yuhaus, J.C.P, H.E.D.
Father Yuhaus, a CESJ member and Counselor, was Pastor of St. Ann’s Basilica in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He also served as Vice President for the Cardinal Tardini Charitable Trust in Pittsburgh and was former President of Washington, D.C.-based Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA). Two CESJ members, the late Fr. William Ferree and the late Frank Gannon, served with him on CARA’s board of directors.
Through his close association with Achille Cardinal Silvestrini, former Secretary of State at the Vatican, Fr. Yuhaus was instrumental in arranging CESJ’s two meetings with Pope John Paul II and major Vatican leaders in 1987 and 1991. Fr. Yuhaus also arranged for CESJ’s 1991 ecumenical delegation to Rome and seminar for Church leaders. Fr. Yuhaus had been engaged world-wide with diocesan, religious and civic groups in a process of analysis and response to the major issues our day. He was the co-founder of the Institute for World Concerns at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, and Founder and Director of the International Institute for Religious, established in 1967. TOP>>