by Dawn | Apr 28, 2023 | Just Third Way Feature
CLICK ON TITLES TO ACCESS MATERIAL Websites Center for Economic and Social Justice Descendants of American Slaves for Economic and Social Justice Articles On the New Paradigm: The Just Third Way “Economic Justice in the Age of the Robot” On the Economic Democracy Act...
by Dawn | Mar 25, 2022 | Just Third Way Feature
On February 20, 1967, Walter Reuther, President of the United Auto Workers, AFL-CIO, testified before the Joint Economic Committee of Congress, calling for employee stock ownership as a way for workers to gain their income increases out of the bottom line...
by Dawn | Apr 17, 2020 | Just Third Way Feature
Center for Economic and Social Justice (, April 17, 2020 Executive Summary. America and the rest of the global community face a health and economic disaster on the scale of a world war. Unlike violent wars, the isolation policies needed in today’s COVID-19...
by Dawn | Feb 26, 2019 | Just Third Way Feature
This is an overview with a step-by-step explanation of how money is created, invested and repaid under the Economic Democracy Act (formerly known as the “Capital Homestead Act”). This national program of monetary and tax reforms would enable...
by Dawn | Feb 26, 2019 | Just Third Way Feature
What would the Economic Democracy Act mean to you and every other citizen in terms of lifetime wealth accumulations and capital ownership incomes? The projections below, which are explained in the following notes, show how a child born today would receive every year...
by CESJ | Feb 13, 2018 | Just Third Way Feature
America faces a conundrum: Everybody agrees that something needs to be done about our crumbling infrastructure, but nobody knows where the money will come from to finance it. One thing is increasingly clear, federal tax dollars will provide at best a fraction of the...