This discussion group or online seminar will be open to everyone interested in understanding, researching, critiquing, improving and applying the binary growth model conceived by Louis Kelso and the Capital Homesteading reforms designed to expand capital ownership at all levels, from the family and community levels to that of regional, national and global marketplaces.
Desired Outcomes of Discussion Group.
The group can measure its success by its ability to develop and refine collaboratively the following:
(a) a set of responses to Prof. Robert Ashford’s “Ten Controversial Questions” posed by binary economics;
(b) a theoretical economic systems model that will close the asset ownership and economic power gap between those at the top and those at the bottom in a sustainable way, without violating universal human rights of any person;
(c) a common definition of key terms (e.g., “productiveness,” “economic justice,” “sustainable development”), basic assumptions and core values of binary economics, and a refinement of the Just Third Way Glossary;
(d) agreement on basic available writings and books that introduce, clarify and deepen understanding of binary economics as a new paradigm of universal economic empowerment;
(e) a strategy targeted at collaborating for the transformation of academia, initially aiming establishing a beachhead within universities with scholars and students concerned with issues of economic empowerment and economic justice and willing to organize core groups to bring about transformation of their university to further these goals; and
(f) a comprehensive, integrated and structural transformation plan for implementing the new theoretical model at the family, community, national, regional and global levels.
Pre-Qualification for Participation.
Prior to entering the discussion group, in order to carry on an intelligent and informed discussion on binary economic theory and capital homesteading, every participant is asked to review the following:
“Karl Marx: The Almost Capitalist” by Louis O. Kelso
“Ten Controversial Questions” by Robert H.A. Ashford
“Binary Economics in a Nutshell” by Norman G. Kurland
“A Quick Comparison of Capitalism, Socialism and the Just Third Way”
“A Summary of The Capital Homestead Act”
Before debating or raising theoretical objections on binary economic theory with other members of this group, all participants are expected to read or have read “A New Look at Prices and Money: The Kelsonian Model for Achieving Rapid Growth Without Inflation,” a paper that was peer-reviewed and published in the Journal of Socio-Economics, approved by Professor Robert Ashford (co-author with Rodney Shakespeare of Binary Economics: The New Paradigm), and included in the Appendix C of Seven Steps to Justice by Rodney Shakespeare and Peter Challen.
Also highly recommended is the exchange between Congressman Bennie Thompson (D-Mississippi) and former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, with CESJ analysis and response.