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Center for Economic and Social Justice
Coalition for Capital Homesteading
[ ] I/We plan to attend the April 22nd Rally for Monetary Justice (10:00 AM – 1:30 PM) Mall area across from Federal Reserve Building, Constitution Avenue between 21st and 20th Streets, NW).
[ ] I/We plan to attend the April 23rd CESJ Annual Meeting and Strategic Planning Session (10:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Lakeside Plaza Palmer Room, 3800 Powell Lane, Falls Church, VA 22041).
[ ] I/We plan to attend the April 23rd CESJ 32nd Anniversary Luncheon (1:30 – 4:30 PM, Lakeside Plaza Palmer Room). Cost is $30/person. I will send/bring a check for $_____ to CESJ to make my luncheon reservation/s. (Luncheon reservations can also be prepaid using a credit card or Paypal by going to www.cesj.org/donate.)
[ ] I regret that I will not be able to attend any of these events.
[ ] I would like to make a tax-deductible donation of $____ to CESJ, enabling others to attend these events and supporting the work of CESJ. (Donations to CESJ can also be made using a credit card or Paypal by going to www.cesj.org/donate .)
Name/s _________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________
E-mail _______________________________ Tel ____________________________
R.S.V.P. by April 19, 2016 (Email info@cesj.org or call 703-243-5155)
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For luncheon reservations and/or tax-deductible donations to CESJ, please make your check payable to “CESJ” and mail to: CESJ, 4318 N. 31st Street, Arlington, VA 22207.
Donations may also be made by credit card or Paypal by going to www.cesj.org/donate. We welcome your generous gifts to the cause!