by Dawn K. Brohawn
In collaboration with Stephen F. Hardiman, Norman G. Kurland and Thomas J. Simon
[Originally titled, “Value-Based Management: A Framework for Equity and Efficiency in the Workplace.”]
As the world prepares to enter a new millennium, change has become the rule of the day. From the macro to the micro level, from the global marketplace to the individual enterprise, long-sacred ideas underpinning the economic status quo are being challenged.
Leaders in business and labor, spurred by competition or sheer survival, are reexamining such basic questions as how people participate in production and how they earn an income. Inexorable forces advancing technology, expanding worldwide communications and information networks, the increasing mobility of capital and labor (particularly technical know-how), unpredictable geopolitical conditions, rising populations, and the opening of global markets are shaking the foundations of “business as usual.”