We will be having a CESJ Executive Committee teleconference on Monday, May 16th, from 6-8 pm.
Our agenda will cover our upcoming meetings in Blacksburg, VA with the Virginia Tech faculty core group that is studying Kelso’s binary economics, the Just Third Way and Capital Homesteading. We will discuss a collaboration with their group, for which they have already expressed interest. We will also report on the excellent meeting we had with student leaders from Virginia Union University, thanks to Prof. (and Rev.) Columba Nnorom, and other contacts we’ve made since the last meeting that may determine the timing of our rescheduled (and much larger) rally at the Fed.
Since we’re still trying to determine the best system to use for our video/audio teleconferences, we will be trying out the Uberconference.com system this Monday. If you wish to participate, please contact Dawn Brohawn at dbrohawn@cesj.org so you can get access information.