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Curing World Poverty: The New Role of Property (Endorsements)

“[T]his is a stimulating and exciting book: it presents a system which is simple and elegant (like all great ideas); which is based on market economics elevated by the injection of democratic and religious values concerning the purpose of life; which has appeal to all sides of the political spectrum . . . [and which] can be introduced in a flexible, step by step manner. It is a book that deserves to be taken seriously by all concerned for the well being of humanity. It has a particular immediacy for those searching for a new economic system in the former socialist countries.”

John D. Huddleston, senior official,

International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.



“Curing World Poverty should serve as an important guidebook for people everywhere in the world who are searching for alternatives to the existing extremes of wealth and poverty, prosperity and misery and wastefulness. This book describes, in accessible language, the historic possibilities that exist at this moment for reforming capitalism–fundamental reforms that can actually lead toward the just society. As the current industrial revolution accelerates and gathers force, I hope people will put aside the stale arguments of the past and consider the more humane future that this book reveals as fully possible.”

William Greider, best-selling author of

One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism and

Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country



“The collection of thought-provoking articles in this book envisions a private, free-market economy that genuinely empowers every citizen. Rather than redistributing the present economic pie or relying on trickle-down economics, this book suggests creative ways to help ensure that all citizens become owners of the new wealth created by a more sustainable economic expansion. The focus is on proven approaches to empowering poor and working citizens without increasing government spending or transferring existing wealth from others.

The diagnosis and prescription for curing poverty in Curing World Poverty challenges us to move beyond the traditional left v. right debate. It includes important concepts for policy makers to consider as we grapple with financing universal health care, welfare reform, rural development, enterprise zones, and other initiatives that are vital to improve the quality of life for citizens who are largely left out of the mainstream of our economy.”


Former Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy

Letter to President Bill Clinton, May 6, 1994



“This book is not about ‘liberal capitalism’ . . . [n]or is [it] socialist or Marxist. It proposes a ‘Third Way’ that focuses on how to structure a humane economic system that maximizes the participation of all people in the wealth of the economy not through the State but through individual ownership.”

Dr. Michael Naughton, professor of theology and management,

University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A.



“[Curing World Poverty’s] bottom line is clear enough: World poverty can be cured if governments and individuals will set aside old formulas that don’t work and look to new uses of capital to make poor workers prosperous ones.”

Peter Hannaford (former speechwriter for then-Gov. Ronald Reagan), California Political Review, Spring 1995



“There’s no question in my mind that your book should receive wide recognition and that the debate about the validity of your plans and ideas concerning employee stock ownership and capital distribution should be taken seriously and expanded in the law schools and economics departments…. I for one would be pleased if you would come to the Institute and bring some of your colleagues so that we can have a full discussion about these ideas.”

Marcus Raskin, Co-Founder and Distinguished Fellow,

Institute for Policy Studies and Professor of Public Policy,

George Washington University



“I think you have produced a really valuable addition to the literature of the [Kelsonian] Revolution…. Congratulations for conceiving and producing this fine compendium on binary economics. I think that Louis would be pleased!

Patricia Hetter Kelso

Kelso Institute for the Study of Economic Systems



“[Curing World Poverty: The New Role of Property] provides an appealing alternative to a pervasive welfare state and a realistic way to achieve a balanced budget. It minimizes government’s role in redistributing income, increases productivity and creates new wealth…. These ideas are a logical extension of the homestead laws enacted by the Lincoln Administration, and perfect for a Republican renaissance.”

Kemp Harshman, President

Clarendon Foundation



“Curing World Poverty provides both the philosophical as well as the hard economic case for broadened ownership through ESOPs and related employee ownership programs. It deserves to be read by policy makers, businessmen, labor leaders, and students concerned with national and international economic and social programs.”

Robert A. Best, President, Private Sector Initiatives Foundation,and former Chief Economist of the Senate Finance Committee (1966-1978)



“Once again, you have proven your broad grasp of both theoretical and practical aspects of distributing [future] wealth through Employee Stock Ownership Plans, and … you bring to economic development strategies a moral framework that is all too often overlooked.”

William C. Doherty, Executive Director

American Institute for Free Labor Development (AFL-CIO)



“I see you have gone deeply into the matter which is of great interest to both Pontifical Councils I have the honor to preside, ‘Justice and Peace’ as well as ‘Cor Unum.’ I trust this book will be read and studied by many since it offers a number of interesting proposals which might make a contribution to a more equitable economic system.”

Roger Cardinal Etchegaray, President

Pontifical Council on Justice and Peace



“On browsing through this sheaf of essays, I found them very refreshing in their approach vis-a-vis the problems of workers today. They offer employees both the hope and the challenge to improve their condition. The final section of the book, ‘Practical Applications,’ proves that the theories earlier proposed, do work!”

Paul Cardinal Poupard, President

Pontifical Council on Culture



“John H. Miller, C.S.C., the editor, and the contributors of Curing World Poverty: The New Role of Property, have the unique merit of responding to the Pope’s call for devising and finding solutions based on a “third way,” a vision of an that stands not so much between capitalism and socialism as above them….

The concrete solutions, clearly and forcefully presented in Curing World Poverty, are an answer to the Pope’s call for answers that respect the dignity of man and at the same time provide what in today’s culture is a rare and indispensable aid on the road to regaining true dominion over this earth and over ourselves. I recommend it enthusiastically and without reservations.”


Damian P. Fedoryka, Ph.D., former President,

Christendom College



“Curing World Poverty presents an economic program that is at once judicious, scholarly, and exciting. . . . [E]very aspect of the economic plan it proposes is firmly mounted on a clear grasp of the human being as a person of inalienable dignity and a bearer of rights which are the natural objects of justice. . . . [I]t marshals the thought of an array of world-class thinkers in a context that . . . synthesizes the speculative with the practical, moral principles with business practices, and complex data with practical experience. . . . [I]t offers a program for overcoming world poverty that is cogent and compelling.”

Dr. Donald DeMarco, philosopher, author on

Catholic moral teachings, and professor of philosophy,

St. Jerome’s College, Ontario, Canada



“Recognizing that capital instruments are the dominant factor in producing wealth, there is an urgent need for an answer to the question, ‘What can be done to empower the family economically, thereby making a ‘Just Family Income’ possible?’…. I strongly encourage you to become well versed in the book Curing World Poverty: The New Role of Property, and use this in classroom, business and public presentations.”

Matthew Habiger, O.S.B., Ph.D.,

President, Human Life International



“[T]his book is a magnificent Opus that addresses an important aspect of our social development: the sharing of all people in the productive capital of the world. In Germany, too, that is still an unsolved problem of social market economy–and of Catholic social doctrine. The Society of Catholic Entrepreneurs has struggled with this problem ever since its foundation in 1949. I share wholeheartedly the direction of this book.”

Dr. Johannes Stemmler, Permanent Secretary,

The Union for Promoting Christian Social Science,

Cologne, Germany



“Pope John Paul II . . . has pointed the way toward the reconstruction of an economic order that is both free and productive. . . . In this important–and readable–book, Fr. Miller and the contributors provide practical guidance for the realization of the vision of John Paul II.”

Dr. Charles E. Rice, professor of law,

Notre Dame Law School, Notre Dame, Indiana, U.S.A.



“Curing World Poverty: The New Role of Property is a fascinating “textbook for social change.” Through practical financing tools and specific legislative reforms, Curing World Poverty moves to a “third way” beyond the power- and wealth-concentrating systems of traditional capitalism and socialism. A powerful reminder that political democracy is hollow without effective economic democracy, it will challenge religiously motivated social activists with its new approach to ensuring the dignity and empowerment of every human being.”

Rabbi David Saperstein

Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism



“Employee ownership is typically promoted as a means of broadening the ownership of capital and helping to improve productivity by giving workers ‘a piece of the action.’ But visionaries such as Louis Kelso, the originator of the ESOP concept, have long advocated a broader, more comprehensive approach to economic development and financial reform based on a re-evaluation of basic economic structures. Curing World Poverty: The New Role of Property provides a compelling summation of the key arguments for broadening the private ownership of capital to strengthen free enterprise development and promote economic growth…. But Curing World Poverty doesn’t merely offer a technical explanation of cutting-edge financial theory. It’s in fact a moral appeal …. an appeal for “economic justice in the age of the robot.”

The Foundation for Enterprise Development

Newsletter, May/June 1994



“The Center for Economic and Social Justice has done a real service in publishing … Curing World Poverty … [T]he essays in this fascinating book promote a broader distribution of property at home and abroad…. [It combines] Louis Kelso’s legacy of iconoclastic economics and Catholic social and economic teaching…. Worrying about Third World poverty isn’t just for the clergy and liberal do-gooders any more: Curing World Poverty is in all of our interest.”

“Global Economy, Global Reading,”

Owners at Work, Newsletter of The Ohio Employee Ownership Center