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Justice-Based Leadership, Governance & Management

Transforming the Corporation Under the expanded capital ownership paradigm espoused by CESJ, the business corporation (whether a small local business or a giant multinational) can become a vehicle for building a more free and just marketplace. CESJ places a very high...

What is Justice-Based Management?

Justice-Based ManagementSM (JBMSM) is a leadership philosophy and management system that applies universal principles of economic and social justice within business organizations. The ultimate purpose of JBM is to create and sustain ownership cultures that enhance the...

Organized for the Common Good Through Justice-Based Management

by William L. Nicholson, President, Western Building Products, Inc. © 2002 Western Building Products, Inc. [Originally titled “Organized for the Common Good Through Value-Based Management.”] In 1983, Western Building Products, Inc. embarked on a journey on...